"They also gave me several gifts to give to you," I said with an exasperated sigh. Daryus should knowbetter than to mistrust me.

He stepped closer toward Silla and I grabbed the edge of my desk so I would not attack a mere holograph. My protective instincts had heightened to unexperienced dimensions.

"What species are you?" Daryus asked curiously.

"Human. I was taken from my planet, Earth, by the Cryons," Silla said, standing her ground and raising her chin defiantly toward the much-larger male towering over her. Even if Daryus was only a holograph, I doubted Silla understood that. I was convinced he must have appeared lifelike to her. Which only made me admire my little human even more. She was brave.

"Human? Earth?" Daryus turned to me with a questioning expression.

I walked around the desk to stand next to Silla. Daryus raised a questioning eyebrow and because I knew him so well, I could see how he was inferring my relationship to her. His lips quirked. "There is more here than you are telling me."

"I haven't told you anything yet, because you won't let me speak," I pressed out.

Daryus threw his head back and laughed. "You've got me there, let's talk."

He motioned toward the seating arrangement by the window looking out into space and sunk down into a cushioned chair across from Silla and me.

"Did you really wake Xandros in the middle of the night?" I asked Daryus.

"King Crough commed me. He was irate and outraged, threatened war and demanded your head on a platter. I figured Xandros was the best male to smooth things over."

At that I laughed. Xandros was a lot of things, but he wasn't a diplomat. More likely Daryus sent him to intimidate Crough and to remind him of who the one holding the military power in this universe was. He did this to protect me.

I nodded at him in appreciation.

All the while Daryus stared skeptically at Silla, assessing her from head to toe. "So the Cryons have discovered an unknown planet and are exploiting it?"

"Vra, that is not all though," I cautioned. There was no way of giving Daryus this part smoothly, so I dove right in. "They sought to use Silla as a vessel to obtain my DNA, via my sperm."

Silla's head turned to me, she must not have puzzled this part out yet, but her eyes widened in understanding. "Theturkey baster."

"And did they?" Daryus's hands dug into whatever chair he was truly sitting in, leaving no imprint on the one the holograph made believe he sat in.

"Nocc, this is why I tore the place apart," I stretched the truth a bit. Later I would fill him in on the finer details, but this was all he needed to know for now.

Daryus got out of his chair and stepped to the window. If Silla noticed that he didn't have a reflection, she didn't say anything.

"Comm Xandros and fill him in," he demanded.

"Vra, your Royal Highness." I bowed slightly on the couch, knowing I was one of the few who would get away with this kind of show of half assed respect.

"And you"—Daryus turned to Silla—"I want to hear from you as soon as you arrive."

"With pleasure," Silla replied with a grim face.

She seemed to amuse Daryus, because he bestowed one of his rare smiles on her before he turned his attention back to me, "You said you have more of them?"

"Vra, gifts to you from King Crough."

"But this one is yours?" Daryus challenged.

I put a protective arm around Silla and pulled her closer into myside. "Mine."

Daryus inclined his head, a question in his eyes remained unvoiced as an amused smile curved his lips before he cut the holograph.

"Where did he go?" Silla blinked confused, staring at the spot where Daryus's nearly lifelike image had stood only a moment ago.

I didn't understand howthe alien could have been there one second and gone the next.