Kharle and Waymore looked as if they wanted to object or follow as well, but I shook my head at them. This was not apissing contest, and the females weren’t the trophies. I would have to make that clear once we reached the cave.

The fears I had harbored about bringing Holly to the cave returned at full force. The males would trip over themselves to win one of them. As happy as I was that they would have this opportunity, like I had, I worried about the possible problems that could result from the competition that would surely begin if it hadn’t already.

Thankfully, Noelle distracted us. “Forgive her. Git was fired up about stories of plants filled with growth hormones, artificial fertilizers, green house effect, and seeding clouds before this happened.”

“You two knew each other before?” Holly asked, astounded.

“No, but we had some time to talk.” Noelle said.

"But what on Earth could have made a wormhole?" Holly stared into the fire where a log crackled. "I mean the government has been seeding clouds for while and we've all eaten GMO filled food."

Noelle's shoulders rose and fell. "Beats me, maybe a rocket was set off into space and hit something? I mean nowadays billionaires fly into space or finance all sorts of crazy experiments. My theory was that mother nature had enough andexpelleda few of us, to dwindle our population down."

"My money is still on a crazy scientist, like a Doctor Frankenstein, or somebody like him, somebody who wanted to prove time travel is possible and invented something that blew up." Cara voiced her opinion. "I know it sounds crazy."

Holly snorted, "It's really not that crazy. I suppose anything is possible. I was a paleontologist before this happened. I believed in science and history, but if I’ve learned one thing during my time here, it’s that those are all justtheories. Nobody knows anything for sure. But to risk everything on an experiment…”She shook her head. “That’s…” She searched for words but didn’t seem to find one.

“Megalomaniacal? Narcissistic? Vainglorious?” Brigitte filled in Holly’s blanks, returning from wherever she had gone. Oredeon followed closely behind.

“I’ll go with that,” Holly agreed.

“Do you think there are more of you guys wandering out there?” I asked, feeling guilty about hoping for my males that there would be.

The women shrugged and Cara answered, “We don’t know. None? Ten? Hundreds? Thousands? Your guess is as good as ours.”

“It can’t be thousands. We would have seen more people,” Noelle argued.

“Maybe they went into different times,” Holly wagered.

“You said there are more men at the cave. It sounds like they've been here longer, has this happened before?” Cara turned the conversation.

Holly shifted uncomfortably where she sat, before she hedgingly said, “They’re not exactly from where we came from.”

“What do you mean?” Brigitte asked. “Homo sapiens didn’t exist yet, even I know that.”

“My clan and I, among others, crash-landed on Earth five years ago,” I filled them in, remembering the hard time Holly had coming to grips with us beingaliens,as she used to call us.

“Crash-landed?” Noelle wrinkled her forehead trying to figure out what I was telling her.

“Fuck, they’re aliens,” Brigitte said and let out a hard laugh. “That's just fucking perfect.”

“Aliens?” Cara echoed. “They don’t look like aliens.”

“Uhm, Thor and some of the others are from a planet called Jahrle. They’re Vhar’Khyngs. But there are others who… look more alien,” Holly explained.

Brigitte buried her face in her hands, her shoulders moved up and down, and I wasn’t sure if she was laughing or crying until muffled sounds of hysterical amusement rang out.

“I would say you’ve lost your marbles, but…” Noelle looked uncertain. “You haven’t, have you? This is real?”

Holly nodded. “Yes, this is real. But it doesn’t matter. Alien or not, Thor and his men will protect us.”

“Promise?” Noelle looked straight at me with large, pleading eyes.

“Promise. You’re safe,” I reiterated.

“Let’s talk more about this tomorrow, and get some sleep,” Holly suggested.

Neither one of the other females looked appeased, but all three were exhausted. They snuggled into their furs, even Brigitte, once she calmed down.