Feeling adrift after having finished my business and having no underwear and nothing to wash or dry my hands with, I grabbed a few leaves and rubbed them between my palms.

“I’m done,” I announced, feeling a little like a two-year-old asking their parent to come wipe their behind.

Without a word, Thor picked me up to carry me back to the cave, and I would have been lying if I said I didn’t like it. I liked everything about it. I liked being in his arms, feeling safe and cherished, because come on, what kind of man did that? Just because I didn’t have any shoes? Definitely not Gabriel.

I avoided looking at the two forms standing guard by the cave entrance, because I didn’t think I would be able to handle staring at another lizard-man with a monkey head. I had successfully managed to suppress that memory until now. Soon, though, I knew Thor and I would have to have a talk.

But not yet.

For now, I just wanted to feel safe. I deserved at least that.

When we returned to the chamber, since I was more awake now after having gotten a decent amount of restful, deep sleep, and food, I looked around curiously.

A fire still burned in the strange cube, warming the area, and those little blue cube lights were positioned throughout the chamber, about half turned on. A basic wooden table with two chairs was pushed against one wall, a couple of unpolished, undecorated trunks against another. The area in front of the third wall was taken over by the bed I had slept so comfortably in. Filled with furs, it appeared more like a nest than a bed.

“Are you hungry? Thirsty?” Thor asked.

I nodded against his chest, and he put me down on one of the chairs. “Will this do, or would you rather go back to bed?”

His question heated my face because my thoughts returned to him washing me in that bed. The sensations he had awakened in me swirled to the front of my mind. To my utter astonishment, I wanted him to fuck me more than anything else. I would have never called myself a particularly sexual person; my sex life with Gabriel had been… satisfying. But maybe, if I was honest, that was part of the reason for the breakup. I was willing to take the blame for it because I just wasn’t an adventurous person when it came to sex. But now, with Thor, I could envision myself bent over this very table with him fucking me from behind.

To keep the directions my thoughts had gone from him, I averted my gaze and replied, . “Here at the table is perfect, thank you.”

“It’s still warm,” he said, placing a bowl in front of me and adding a thick slice of flatbread next to it.

I lifted the flatbread reverently, and tears pooled in my eyes. “I never thought I would see bread again.”

He wrinkled his forehead. “Why not? Holly, where did you come from?”

“You mean when?” I said absentmindedly while breaking off a piece of bread, afraid to bite into it, afraid that I had built it up too much in my mind already to truly enjoy it.

“What do you meanwhen?”

I popped the bread into my mouth and found that it was everything I had imagined it to be. For the second time in a few hours, my taste buds rejoiced as the delicious gooeyness spread in my mouth.

Wordlessly, he handed me a cup of tea, and I drank a few sips to wash the bread down, rolling my eyes in reverence. He gave me a look to reiterate his question, and I sighed. “I mean…” What did I mean? My eyes moved through the cave, which was a mix of homemade things and furniture and high-end tech, like those illuminated cubes.

“I thought you are from the future, like me, just a later future,” I said, slowly putting the bread down as it dawned on me that my time of compartmentalizing had come to an end, and it was time to face the music, so to speak.

“From the future?” He stared at me dumbfounded.

Ah shit, he’s going to think you lost your marbles. I actually shrank into my seat. I told him all this already, but now that I thought about it, his translator might not have picked up the whole story.

“Where are you from?” I asked instead of answering his question, stalling for time. I wanted to delay the moment he began looking at me as if I were a lunatic instead of treating me like a princess.

“I come from a planet called Jahrle. The Manx conquered it and took me prisoner. I—”

I blinked a few times.Look who is crazy now, my mind snarked, but I told it to shut up, because… because, in a strange way, it made sense. Slowly, memories of the lizard-man returned. I stared at the glowing cubes and the smokeless fire inside another.

“You’re an alien?” I interrupted.

“Well, technically, you’re an alien to me,” he said, and a tiny smile quirked his lips. “Because you are not a Vhar’Khyng female, are you?”

Give him a Viking vibe, I had instructed Matteo, I now remembered and swallowed. Vhar’Khyng. Viking.

I swallowed again as dizziness made the room spin around me.

“Whoa, Holly.” Thor was so quick out of his chair, it defied physics. He was by my side, catching my swaying body before I fell out of the chair. “Are you alright?”