“He owes me that much, anyway.” Rahgnor swore. Still sour over his father refusing to fund the expedition his son burned to embark on.

“Uncle Gorwin is going to be mad as hell at you,” Ohlav cautioned, referring to Rahgnor’s father.

“Us.” Rahgnor laughed as the young men ran up to the smallest longboat in Gorwin’s fleet.

“Do you have everything?” Ohlaf asked and watched Rahgnor carefully lay one more object on the small ship’s planks.

“That’s it.” Rahgnor secured the round object while Ohlaf’s curiosity ran wild.

“What is that?”

Rahgnor smirked. “Just helping the old legend along.”

Ohlav’s eyes widened. “You didn’t!”

“I did.” Rahgnor’s chest swelled.

It had taken all his courage to sneak into the crypt where Thor and Holly had been laid to rest, and even more to open the sarcophagus where the two of them rested arm in arm. When he saw them there, he almost didn’t follow through, but then, he could have sworn he had heard a warm female voice whispering,Do it, Rahgnor, complete the circle.

It had been easy to spot his forefather’s skull, and for some reason, he had felt as if he was fulfilling destiny.

On his way out, the wind had howled, sounding like the cackle of old women, and he had spat on the ground to ward the old Norns off, lest they spun a piece of yarn about him.

“I can’t believe we are really doing this,” Ohlav said, undoing the last of the lines mooring the ship.

Rahgnor ignored him, though, because as he stared out at the horizon, where the dark sea met the even darker sky, he could have sworn he saw the image of a man with long blond hair and a blonde woman as they stood, arm in arm, hovering above the water, waving him on. The woman was more beautiful than any he had ever seen. Her smile was warm, and her eyes were green as she winked at him.