“Wait,” Holly called out. Turning to the female, she said, “How many are there? Are there others like you and me?”

The female’s eyes moved nervously between Holly and us.

“We are friends, trust me,” Holly assured her.

“Five more men, four females, and two more like… us,” she said.

I mouthed “thank you” to Holly for proving once again what an amazing mate she was, then waved Kharle and Waymore on. Stealthily, we moved in the direction from where the strange group had emerged.

After a few minutes, we came to a downtrodden path, where I saw two more females like Holly. One with brown and one with red hair, surrounded by a group of Cardens.

The males all held spears in their hands, staring in different directions while the females looked nervously toward us. They couldn’t know we were in the bushes, but they must have been expecting the others to return from there.

I gave Kharle and Waymore a signal to be ready as I stepped out of the bushes, blaster directed at the males.

“Throw your weapons down!”

A spear came flying for me, which I barely sidestepped. I shot my blaster at a tree near the males, hoping the shot would discourage any further attempts of defying my order.

Kharle and Waymore stepped out of the bushes, brandishing their swords aggressively.

“Now!” I reiterated my order to the humanoids as they stared at the smoldering hole in the tree.

“Come over here. We’re friends,” I encouraged the human females, trying hard to keep my voice firm but friendly. “We have your friend who ran away, she’s safe.”

The females’ hands were also bound behind their backs. Warily, they exchanged looks with one another.

“How do we know we can trust you?” the brunette asked in a different accent than Holly’s.

“You don’t. You’ll have to take your chances,” I said, not letting the male humanoids out of my sight.

“Is Cara safe?” the redhead wanted to know.

“If that is the female with the black hair, then yes,” I answered, hoping my tone was inviting enough.

“'Take us to her,” the brunette gave in.

Sidestepping and giving us wary glances, the two females moved forward.

“Wait,” I said, hoping I wasn’t making a mistake. I pulled a knife from where I kept it in a sheath by my calf, and cut their bindings.

“Thank you. I’m Noelle,” the brunette said, rubbing her wrists.

“Brigitte,” the other offered with a shy smile.

“This way,” Kharle pointed.

“Don’t follow us, or we’ll kill you,” I threatened the males who stood frozen.

Surreptitiously, I studied the two females as they followed Waymore. Both looked a lot like Holly when I first found her. Their strange clothing was dirty and ripped, their hair knotted and filled with debris. Where their clothing wasn’t ripped, it hung loosely around their hips. Noelle had some kind of rope tied around her waist to keep her skirt up. Brigitte wore tight blue pants the likes of which I had never seen before, but they were ripped in so many places and dirty gray strands trailed from the cuts.

Neither female wore shoes, and I could only imagine their feet being in a similar state as Holly’s had been when I found her. It didn’t take long to reach the others, who still stood where I had left them.

When Oredeon saw us coming, he shooed the humanoids on their way with a similar warning I had given their friends. “If you follow us, we’ll kill you.”


“Brigitte, Noelle!” The three females fell into each other’s arms.