Page 4 of Seeking Justice

Kevin almost shouted out a warning to the woman with the smooth voice, but then the sound of a familiar meow echoed through the room, followed by the sight of a black streak of fur darting past the PO boxes. A woman in a sunflower dress followed quickly behind. With an ease that spoke of familiarity, she swooped down to scoop up Major. Few managed that feat—Major was notoriously aloof.

As she straightened, her gaze found Kevin’s. Her eyes, wide and inquisitive, met his, and for a moment, everything else faded away. There was a hint of recognition, a spark of curiosity, and in the pit of his stomach, Kevin felt a flutter of something he couldn’t quite name.

“Oh. Hi,” the woman said as she cradled the cat. Major’s fluffy tail swished in the air. “Kevin, right?”

“That’s right.” Kevin’s brows knitted in curiosity. Who was this cheerful woman?

With a graceful motion, she released the cat, who landed sprightly on all fours, shaking himself off before stalking away. As Major disappeared around a corner, he shot a glance back at Kevin. An unspoken “I’m not always as grumpy as I seem.”

The woman extended a hand, her voice warm and bright. “Bridget, Jo’s sister.”

Jo’s sister? Kevin allowed himself a moment of surprise before he gripped her hand firmly, her introduction giving him a sense of familiarity amidst the whirl of changes. She seemed so unlike Jo, who was all business and plain outfits. Bridget, in contrast, appeared free-spirited and whimsical in her sunflower dress and tousled dark hair. “Pleasure to meet you.”

Bridget’s eyes roved the room, a small frown creasing her forehead. “Is Jo around?”

“She’s out with Sam… and Lucy,” Kevin added quickly, noting her fondness for animals. Anyone who appreciated animals was all right in his book.

“Can I assist you with something?” he asked, hoping to extend his hospitality.

“No, I just came to chat with Jo,” Bridget replied, her gaze drifting from the paperwork in his hand to the filing cabinet. “Those go in the bottom drawer, don’t they?”

Kevin blinked, taken aback. “Um…”

Bridget gestured at the folders he held, her cheeks flushing slightly. “Case files. I’ve seen Jo file them numerous times.”

“Oh, right,” Kevin stammered, scrambling to cover his confusion. “I was just… just sorting out the paperwork.”

Bridget studied him for a moment, her gaze insightful. His pulse quickened. Was she piecing together his struggle? Yet something in her eyes communicated understanding, not judgment.

“Are you just visiting?” he ventured, trying to shift the attention away from himself. He hadn’t even known Jo had a sister.

“No.” Bridget shook her head, her hazel eyes meeting his. “I’m living with Jo now.”

“Oh.” For a second, panic gripped him. Had he been expected to know that?

Noticing his discomfort, Bridget’s expression softened. “A lot happened while you were in the hospital. I’m here to stay now, though. It’s a long story.”

“Ah, right. Well, it’s great to meet you, Bridget.”

“Likewise.” Bridget beamed, her positivity contagious. “Well, I’d better get going. It’s nice to meet you, Kevin, and I’m glad to see you’re doing well enough to be back to work.” With a final wave, she made her exit, leaving Kevin with the echo of her laughter and a newfound sense of belonging.


“Kevin seemed a bit off, didn’t he?” Jo broke the comfortable silence in the White Rock Police Department Tahoe, her eyes trained on the winding road ahead. Lucy’s head popped between the front seats, a soft whimper escaping her. It was almost as if she were joining in on the conversation.

“You noticed that too?” he asked.

“Occupational hazard,” Jo responded with a quick smile, her eyes sparkling with a hint of mischief. “Always observing.”

Her light-hearted jab drew a chuckle from Sam. His eyes, lined with laugh lines that had deepened over their two years of partnership, twinkled. “Guess that’s why you’re a detective.”

“But I hope Kevin is okay,” Jo said, her tone turning serious. She reached back to pet Lucy, the dog’s snout pushing against her hand as if echoing her concern.

“Adjusting after a coma takes time. He’ll be all right,” Sam assured her, turning onto the dirt road that led to the logging site. “Did you dig up anything on April Summers?”

Jo nodded, her eyebrows furrowing in thought. “It’s peculiar. She pops up six years ago, making waves as an activist, chaining herself to trees, leading sit-ins at construction sites. But before that, it’s like she didn’t exist. I’m still looking for any family or next of kin.”

“Every person has a past. She must have family, someone we can notify,” Sam mused.