Page 51 of Seeking Justice

“What’s on it?”

Kevin paused then spoke. “It’s just got pictures of some beech trees and some numbers,” he began, watching her reaction closely.

At the mention of the beech trees, Bridget’s eyes widened, her breath catching in her throat. “Beech trees?”

Kevin nodded, surprised at her reaction. “Yeah, is there some meaning to that?”

“Do they have markings on them?”

“Yeah, well, the branches at the bottom are broken in almost a pattern, and there is bark stripped from them. Not sure if that constitutes markings, but it doesn’t look natural.”

Bridget was practically jumping out of her seat. Maybe the thumb drive really was important? Judging by her reaction, it could be.

Bridget fished in her purse for a pen and grabbed a napkin from the table and started drawing. “Did they look like this?”

* * *

Bridget’s mindraced as she turned the napkin to face Kevin. Her drawing was pretty basic, but she’d tried to depict the way the tree branches looked. This could be the missing piece, the link they had been searching for all along. But why did Kevin have this information, and what did it mean for them now? The questions multiplied, each one more pressing than the last.

He studied it. “Yeah, something like that.”

Kevin’s eyes flicked up from the napkin to meet hers. “How do you know about them?”

“We think those were made by a serial killer to mark where he buried his victims.”

“What?” Kevin appeared shocked. “Who do you mean bywe? What serial killer?”

Bridget sighed. “I guess I’d better start from the beginning.”

As Bridget recounted the past, her heart weighed heavy. She locked eyes with Kevin across the table. “My sister Tammy was abducted when I was just five,” she said, her voice soft but strained with enduring pain. That day’s chaos and terror still haunted her.

“Our family fell apart after that,” she continued, the raw ache in her voice evident. “That’s what ultimately led to my spiral into addiction. I was seeking any escape from the relentless pain.”

Kevin’s face softened, and his hand found hers on the table, offering comfort. She welcomed the soothing warmth.

“In contrast, Jo turned her grief into a quest for justice. She became a cop to find answers,” Bridget said, her gaze momentarily drifting into distant memories.

“I’m so sorry. I never knew about that. Jo never said anything,” Kevin said.

“Well, it’s not something you bring up at a party.” Bridget gave a sad laugh. “It’s kind of hard to talk about.”

“Of course,” Kevin responded, his voice thick with empathy. “I hope they put the bastard away for good.”

“That’s the thing. They never caught him,” Bridget replied, her voice tinged with bitterness. “But Jo’s never given up. Now, Sam, Holden, and I are helping her.”

“Helping her?” Kevin asked.

“Jo has been investigating this for years in her spare time. That’s what led her to White Rock in the first place,” Bridget said.

“What happened to the original case?”

Bridget shrugged. “Trail went cold, then it got put on the back burner. It hasn’t been active in years. So we’re working on it on our own.”

Kevin’s face showed a flicker of hurt. “I had no idea you all were working on this.”

“Jo only recently brought everyone into the loop, even Sam. You were still in a coma back then. I’m sure they would’ve told you as soon as you were back to one hundred percent,” Bridget quickly reassured him.

Kevin’s expression softened with Bridget’s words. “So you think these trees might be tied to the killer who took your sister?”