“Joseph Menda alluded to some sort of serial killer network. You don’t think the killer you’re looking for could have operated in this area? Maybe he knew Bascomb or found out about the area on some sick serial killer forum or something,” Sam suggested.
“There’s a serial killer forum?” Bridgett sounded incredulous.
“We’re not sure, but according to one we’ve been interviewing, some of them do communicate.” Sam stepped back from the armoire. “What about Ricky Webster? His past record is a little sketchy, and he works for Thorne Enterprises.”
“But he wasn’t involved in Kirsten’s murder or Vicky’s abduction.” Jo made a mental note to dig into Ricky’s past a little more. “Still, that is a lot of coincidences.”
Sam pointed to the picture from Tyler’s box. “You never found the spot?”
“Maye we should start there. Reese might be able to use Google satellite or something to narrow down where it could be.” Sam’s phone pinged, and he looked at the screen. “It’s from Reese. That was blood on the glove I dug up over at Thorne’s. Mayor Dupont’s blood.”
“Dupont? But we already caught his killer,” Jo said.
“We always thought there might have been another person there. Maybe that person was Thorne.”
“If we could tie him to Dupont’s murder, we’d be able to keep him in jail a lot longer,” Jo said. “But just having the glove buried on his property doesn’t exactly tie it to him. Anyone could have buried it there.”
“Yeah, but it’s a start. Which reminds me.” Sam gave Jo a pointed look and tilted his head in Bridget’s direction in an indication that he was wondering if they should show Bridget the picture of Bascomb. Jo nodded.
Sam pulled the picture out of the back pocket of his jeans. “Bridget, I was wondering if you’d take a look at this. Does it look like the guy you saw Amber with?”
Bridget glanced at Jo. She didn’t look afraid, just determined. She took the photo in her hand, her eyes widening. “Yes. Yes, that is definitely him. Who is he?”
“He’s the guy we just arrested for Kirsten Stillwell’s murder. He confessed to Amber’s murder too, but every piece of evidence we can get is welcome.” Sam took the photo back. “Thank you.”
“No problem, anything I can do to help.”
Jo touched her sister’s arm and smiled. Bridget had changed a lot in the few days she’d been staying with her. More confident. Less jumpy. And she seemed truly interested in helping with Tammy’s case, not at all freaked out like Jo had been afraid she would be. Maybe getting absorbed in the case would be good for her.
Jo turned to Sam. “Looks like we’re building a good case against Bascomb, and now with the glove, we might have a new case against Thorne.”
“If we can keep them in jail, those are two killers that won’t kill again.” Sam turned back to the notes and photos tacked up inside the armoire. “And if we can figure this out, maybe we can catch another.”