Page 38 of Contact

She squeezed her eyes shut at the sound of Jasmine’s voice.She already knew what her friend had just seen.“Hey,” she said, forcing levity into her tone.She gave Jasmine what she hoped was a bright smile.

There wasn’t a trace of judgment on Jasmine’s face—Hannah suspected she was incapable of it—but there was definitely curiosity.“Are you doing anything now?”Jasmine asked.

“I was going to go to the spaceport,” Hannah began, but Rhys cut her off.

“There won’t be a lot for you to do at the spaceport today,” he said.“Some of us are going to evaluate the damage and make a list of supplies and repairs.You’re still welcome to join us today, of course.”

“Take the rest of the day off,” Jasmine urged.“You deserve it.The power’s on and the food supply is secure again.Hang out with me and Rodelle for a couple of hours.”

Hannah glanced over Jasmine’s shoulder.Rodelle was speaking with her sister-in-law, Lorena.Rodelle gave them a nod in their direction while she tried to excuse herself.“Rodelle needs human interaction,” Jasmine whispered.Hannah thought about the cyborg living in Rodelle’s home and hoped it wasn’t going too badly.

Rodelle joined them, and the three walked back to Jasmine’s house.It was a surreal feeling, spending time with friends in a social setting instead of gathering together to discuss how to increase agricultural production.

Once inside, Jasmine dramatically closed the door and said, “What’s going on?”

“Nothing untoward,” Hannah responded.

“That’s the stupidest non-answer I’ve ever heard.”Jasmine kicked off her sandals and strode to the kitchen barefoot.“Let me get some wine, and then I’ll wheedle it out of you.”

Rodelle and Hannah followed.“I meant it when I said there’s nothing untoward going on,” Hannah protested.

“I’m sure you did.But I need to know the details of how this is going, toward-wise.”She uncorked a bottle of dandelion wine and poured some into three mismatched cups.She nodded her head at the small, scarred wooden table in the middle of the kitchen.“Sit.”Rodelle and Hannah did so, opposite each other on the benches on either side of the table.Jasmine sat next to Rodelle, giving Hannah the distinct impression that she was about to be interrogated.

All of them looked at each other, not speaking.It reminded Hannah of the staring contests she and Jasmine had when they were kids.Finally, she said, “Don’t say anything to anyone.”

“Of course we won’t,” Jasmine said, affronted.“When have I ever blabbed about anything secret?”

“I know, but things are different now.”

“Rodelle won’t say anything, either.Politicians’ wives are used to keeping secrets.”

“Jackson was hardly a statesman.He mostly broke up fights about livestock.”Rodelle had a faraway look on her face, as she did whenever she spoke about Jackson, but her eyes were dry.In fact, she was wearing a long yellow tunic Hannah knew to to be her favorite, and a loose pair of shorts instead of the threadbare pajamas she had worn since Jackson died.Her long dark blond hair neatly arranged in a braid that wound around her head.Rodelle looked more put together than she had since before the quake.A few years older than them, Rodelle used to babysit Hannah and Jasmine when they were children.

The mention of Jackson reminded Hannah that some kind of election needed to be held soon, but she didn’t bring it up.“Remember what we talked about with you and SP29?”Hannah asked.

Jasmine gave her a look that clearly questioned her intelligence.“Yeah.”Turning to Rodelle, she said, “It’s only a matter of time before we start banging the cyborgs.”

Rodelle nodded.“I’m sure it’s already happening.”She gave Hannah a sly look.

“It isn’t like that,” Hannah protested.Although it wasn’t for lack of trying.A wave of protectiveness crested over her when she thought about Rhys and what they’d shared.“Some stuff happened between us, is all.It took both of us by surprise.”She sipped her wine and tried not to make a face at the taste, which was more bitter than usual.“How are things going with SP29 and DL16?”she asked Jasmine pointedly.

“Nothing’s happening.I would’ve told you if there was.”

“Do you have designs on your housemate?”Rodelle asked Jasmine, surprised.“And someone else?”

“I gave the idea to Hannah.I guess you...”Jasmine trailed off.“Never mind.”

“I guess you what?”Rodelle took a cautious sip of wine.Her lips thinned.Hannah hoped it was because of the taste and not the question Jasmine had nearly asked.


“You can finish your question.If you’re wondering if I’m pining after my cyborg billet, the answer is no.Asking me about it won’t offend me.”Rodelle took another drink from her wine before setting the cup on the tabletop.

Jasmine’s shoulder slumped in relief.“I’m still sorry.”

“Don’t be.”Rodelle tented her fingers on the table and steered the conversation back to Hannah.“What’s going on with your housemate?”

She was unsure how to answer, not being certain of that herself.“I don’t think either of us knows,” Hannah admitted.“I know saying something is complicated is a cop-out, but it is.”She thought about Rhys’s total lack of experience but didn’t mention it.Even to people she trusted, that information wasn’t hers to share.“We’ve kissed,” she admitted.She didn’t elaborate further.