Page 23 of Contact

Jealousy flashed in him at the mention of SP29 and how his wheat seeds brought her such joy.It was quickly followed by irritation at himself for feeling that way when SP29’s actions would benefit everyone.“How long does wheat usually take here?”

“About four months.Our crops were grown from the traditional seeds our ancestors brought to New Eden.”

He nearly pointed out how inefficient that was, but didn’t bother.Hannah already knew that and decried how the first settlers stubbornly clung to traditional ways.“I have good news too.The power station should be fully functional within the next 48 hours.”

His words had the intended effect.“Oh, my God!”Before he could react, she threw her arms around him in a fierce hug, squeezing him with all her might.It took a couple of seconds for his brain to recognize what was happening.She pulled away before his programming fully recognized the gesture as affectionate.Instantly, he regretted that he’d missed his chance to reciprocate.“Sorry,” she breathed.“That’s incredible news.I guess today went well for you, then?”

He considered telling her of his newly discovered fear of water, but didn’t.It was embarrassing and probably a fluke.He’d never experienced it before and would be fine the next time he had to jump into a flooded bulkhead.

The memory of thousands of liters of dank-smelling water pressing on his body, entering his nose, slammed into him.He willed it away.“It did.Once we drained the bulkheads, everything else fell into place.”

“It went swimmingly.”She laughed at her words.

“I’m sorry?”

“It’s a stupid joke, is all.Lots of water, you had to get in—it went swimmingly.”

“How do you know I was the one in the water?”

“I can smell it on you.You smell like the falls.”

Rhys wasn’t sure how to feel about that.He thought about the smell and taste of it and fought back a shudder.“Is that bad?”

“No.When I’m not facing certain death due to starvation and natural disasters, I like going there.It’s very pretty.”She stood up and peered into the pot.She unhooked it from its tripod.“I’ll have to take you there someday.Maybe you’ll like it.”

He rose too.“I’m certain I will.”As long as he didn’t have to go over one of them.

She changed the subject.“Are you okay with eggs again?”


“We’ll have proper meat soon enough, but this will have to do for now.Jasmine brought over some bean and cucumber salad today too.”

“Whatever we have on hand is sufficient.”

“You’re so easy to please.”

Perhaps it was the teasing tone of voice she used that made a frisson of awareness zing through him at that statement.“What pleases you?”he returned.

She paused at the back door to stare at him for a moment.Color bloomed in her cheeks.“I...”She cleared her throat.“I don’t know anymore.”

“Power?”he tried.

Her eyes widened in response, and he wondered if he’d made a misstep.Another one, judging by her physical reaction to his question.“Yes,” she said slowly.

“What else?”

She opened the door and held it for him.“I’m not sure if I’m ready for this conversation,” she muttered.

“Why not?”

“You’re really innocent in a lot of ways, aren’t you?”

“I don’t understand.Have I upset you?”He set the pot in the kitchen sink and pumped cold water over it to cool down the eggs.

“No.”She nudged him out of the way to take over the dinner prep.“You can go ahead and sit down.I’ll take care of this.”

He waited until both of them sat down at the table to ask, “How am I innocent?”