Page 32 of The Hard Fall

Kenji grabbed Tido’s hand before they made their way around the house. Tido’s heart was slamming into his ribs, terrified they would be caught before they could get out of this place.

Just as they were about to cross into the field that separated Kramer’s house from his neighbor, a shadow fell over them.

Chapter Ten

Kenji spun, ready to attack, when he saw it was Ajax and Mason behind them. “Are you trying to get killed?”

Ajax smirked. “We spotted Tido running and you tackling him. Either he didn’t know you were behind him or you two have a very strange dynamic.”

“We need to get Tido out of here, back to the truck. Mason can take him back to Midnight Falls, and then we can—”

“What?” Tido shook his head as he stared at Kenji. “You’re not staying behind. Luther won’t hesitate to kill you. I’m not going anywhere unless you come with me.”

“Listen.” Kenji sighed as he placed his hands on Tido’s upper arms, relieved beyond words that he’d found his mate safe and sound. He thought for sure he’d have to fight his way through Kramer’s house to get to his mate. Thank god he’d spotted his mate taking off before he’d gone inside the house.

If Kenji had been reached the back porch any sooner, he would have missed Tido running away.

“We’ll take you two back to my truck.” Kenji gave Tido a look that said not to argue with him. “And when you two are out of here, Ajax and I will deal with Luther and Kramer.”

“Or Luther and Kramer will deal with you guys,” Tido countered.

Kenji gently cradled his mate's cheek in his hand, his thumb caressing Tido’s smooth skin. “I can’t confront Luther knowing you’re close by, Tido. My attention will be split. I’ll be too worried about your safety to concentrate.”

Kenji’s gaze darted around, searching for any potential danger lurking in their surroundings. The weight of responsibility weighed heavily on him as he contemplated the risks of facing their enemy. He wanted Luther dead for taking Tido. He could practically taste his vengeance, but Kenji wasn’t foolish enough to think he would necessarily survive this.

He might not, and that was the reason he needed Tido as far away as possible. If he didn’t confront Luther, this would never end, and Kenji was determined to end this.

Tido's expression shifted between hesitation and uncertainty before he finally gave a reluctant nod. “I’m going on record as saying I don’t like this one bit, Kenji.”

“I know.”

“Can we get moving?” Mason asked. “I’m all for a glorious battle, but being in a town of wolves is making my tiger uneasy.”

“Don’t be a pussy.” Ajax smirked.

Mason narrowed his eyes. “Not cat jokes, Ajax.”

“You take all the fun out of rescues and imminent death.” Ajax crossed his arms.

“Whose imminent death?” Mason asked.

“Theirs,” Ajax growled. “I should have secured another leader before I left. This is on me.” Ajax looked at Kenji. “I should have checked on you. I should have called to see how things were going.”

“You’re here now,” Kenji replied. “Ready to fight at my side. That’s all that matters to me.”

It wasn’t until that moment that Kenji realized he’d been harboring bad feelings toward Ajax for abandoning his pack. He’d told himself it was no big deal, had convinced himself that what Ajax had done didn’t matter, when in fact, it had.

Ajax walking away had left their pack vulnerable. But part of it was Kenji’s fault, too. More than one person had asked him to step up and take Ajax’s place, but Kenji had refused.

Which had allowed Luther to grab power.

Kenji couldn't bring back those Luther had killed, but he would make damn sure the bastard couldn’t hurt anyone else.

When Mason walked away, Kenji grabbed Tido’s hand and joined him, Ajax not far behind. They made it to the SUV in no time. Kenji was helping Tido into the ride when wolves emerged from the woods and surrounded them.

“Did you really think you’d get away that easily?” Luther asked as he walked toward them. “I knew the minute you three stepped into town.”

Kenji shoved Tido behind him, keeping his mate between him and the SUV as he stared Luther down. “Let Mason take Tido out of here and I’m all yours.”