Page 29 of The Hard Fall

God, how awful was Kramer? Kenji had told him the guy was a self-centered jerk, that Kramer only thought of himself, but damn.

Then he turned the page and saw Kenji’s name. Next to his name was Maceson’s name. In his shitty scrawl, there was a note that Maceson had paid Kramer to get Kenji back.

Did Maceson know Luther planned on killing Kenji? Did Tido really fucking care? Not in the least.

Tido tucked the small notebook back into his pocket. When Kenji arrived, Tido needed to tell his mate about the people on the list that were in danger.

Hopefully Luther and Kramer would die before anything happened to those people.

Hopefully Kenji would get there before anything happened to him.

Chapter Nine

Kenji parked about a quarter of a mile away from the entrance into town. From there, he, Mason, and Ajax went on foot. They stayed low, because stealth was better than trying to take on an entire pack. And Greenwood had at least one hundred residents.

Kenji was friends with most townsfolk. A lot of the pack hated Kramer and his father as much as he did. They were good, honest people who only wanted to live their lives. They’d mourned Ajax’s departure as much as Kenji had.

Some, though, wouldn’t hesitate to try and take Kenji down and drag him to Luther. Kramer might’ve declared himself alpha, but most knew who was really in charge.


All Kenji had to do was make it to Kramer’s house. Once there, he would sneak his mate out, get Tido back to his SUV, and then return with guns blazing.

Luckily, Kenji had grown up in this town. He knew the ins and outs of not only the town but the woods around it. Ajax knew it well, too, but Mason was going to have to stick with one of them because he wasn’t from Greenwood.

Mason followed Ajax.

While the other two went east, Kenji crept along the west side of town. Greenwood was as small as they came, one traffic light, only a handful of stores, and a lot of people lived on the outskirts. Some had even taken to farming. It was a quaint little community that had thrived until Luther and his son had taken over.

Kramer lived closer to town. Close enough that Kenji wouldn’t have any problems getting there as long as no one spotted him.

He moved slowly and cautiously, his senses on high alert for any sign of danger. He could feel the tension in the air, like a storm brewing.

As Kenji made his way through the town, he kept his eyes peeled for any sign of danger. He needed to get to Tido quickly and safely, but he also knew that Luther and Kramer would do anything to stop him.

He passed by the town square, where the laughter of children playing filled the air. It was a stark contrast to the events that were unfolding, and it made Kenji realize just how much he was risking for his mate. He couldn't imagine living in fear all the time, always looking over his shoulder, never knowing when the next attack might come.

That was how a lot of these people lived. It was time someone put a stop to Luther and Kramer. It was time someone stood up to those two tormentors.

Kenji continued on, moving with purpose but staying out of sight. Greenwood was a peaceful town, and he didn't want to draw unnecessary attention to himself.

He’d crossed from one alley to the next, trying to reach the end of the building, when someone came around the corner.

Marlon. The guy was one of the ones who hung on Kramer’s every word. The bastard would no doubt run to Kramer or Luther and tell them that Kenji was there.

With lightning speed, Kenji closed the distance and grabbed Marlon before he could scream. He swung his arm around the man’s neck, clamping a hand over the guy’s mouth.

Kenji gritted his teeth when he felt something pierce his thigh. The prick had stabbed him. With brute force, he snapped Marlon’s neck and hid him so no one would find him right away.

Gritting his teeth, Kenji pulled the knife free. He knew you weren’t supposed to do that. Always leave the embedded object alone and get professional help quickly or pull the object out and shift to heal.

He couldn’t shift right now, so he would have to deal with the pain and pray that, because he’d pulled the knife free, he wasn’t causing further damage.

After Kenji took a second to breathe, he looked around the corner. No one was in sight. Even the sound of children had faded. The only sound he heard was the breeze rustling leaves and the calls of distant birds.

Wiping the sweat from his brow, Kenji moved to the next building and the next, crouching when he had to quickly duck out of sight.

The knife wound stung like a bitch, but he refused to let it slow him down. He was on a mission to save his mate, and he'd be damned if anything or anyone was going to stop him.