Page 27 of The Hard Fall

“Dating?” Tido echoed, playing along with Luther’s assumption that Tido was nothing more than a fuck buddy to Kenji. “I didn’t know that.” He managed a slight shrug, hoping it conveyed enough uncertainty. He knew that it was crucial to maintain the illusion of ignorance.

Luther’s gaze hardened as sweat trickled down Tido’s face, mingling with the blood on his cut lip. “Yes. Kenji will come for you. I know he will. Until then, you’re to stay put.”

Tido could see the wheels turning in Luther’s cruel eyes, the gears of his devious mind clicking into place. The situation was getting worse by the second, and Tido couldn’t help but feel the weight of his predicament bearing down on him.

As soon as Luther left the room, Tido glanced around. He wanted to race out the front door, but he didn’t want to run into any of Luther’s pack. Being torn apart was the last thing Tido wanted.

Then he remembered. His phone! Why Luther hadn’t patted him down was anyone’s guess, but Tido was thankful for the oversight. He pulled it from his back pocket, only to realize that there wasn’t any reception.

Where in the hell was he that there wasn’t any phone reception? Even Midnight Falls, a small Podunk town had reception. Tido must’ve have been kidnapped to bumfucked nowhere. Kenji had never told him where his pack lived, so Tido hadn’t a clue.

The only thing he could hope for was to send a text, and when his phone did pick up some reception, the text would go through.

He sent a quick text to Drake, since he didn’t have Kenji’s phone number. Why hadn’t he gotten his mate’s number? Because he lives across the street from you and you two were spending every minute together.

Ugh. Tido was pissed at himself for not asking for it. Now he was stuck in some maniac’s house with no way to escape. Not that having Kenji’s number would have gotten him out of here.

Tido searched the living room, looking over the shelves and a stand by the door. Nothing. There wasn’t anything there that he could use as a weapon to defend himself. He had a feeling he would need one. The look in Luther’s eyes had said he would kill Tido when Tido was no longer of use to him.

He had to survive this.

He walked over to a small table that had a slim drawer. When it stuck, Tido yanked it on, and finally, with a creaking noise, the drawer gave way and opened.

Inside was a small book that looked like a journal. Tido took it and shoved it into his pocket. He pressed his hand farther toward the back of the drawer and curled his fingers around something slim and hard.

When he pulled his hand out, he was holding a pocket knife. Tido flicked it open, and a sharp blade appeared. He closed the knife and put it in his front pocket. It wasn’t a large weapon, but the pigsticker would do if he had to defend himself.

Too bad the thought of stabbing anyone made him feel sick. Not once in his life had he been in a fight. Luther backhanding him was the first time anyone had struck him.

And damn did his face hurt. Just the thought of his injury made his face throb. He touched his cheek and grimaced as pain shot through his head.

He hoped Kenji ate Luther.

When he heard floorboards creaking, Tido quickly moved back to where he’d been standing when Luther had left. Seconds later, Luther entered the room.

“Follow me and don’t try to run. I’m a wolf, boy. If you run, you’ll only trigger my beast to chase and kill you.”

Tido really hated being called boy, but he kept his lips sealed as he followed Luther’s graceful form to a bedroom. Luther waved him inside.

“Heed my warning, boy. Escape and you’ll have a pack of wolves on you quicker than you can blink.”

As terrified as Tido was, he gave Luther a mocking salute.

“Don’t test me,” Luther snarled. “I should just kill you now. Kenji will already be on his way, so you’re useless to me.”

Tido backed away, praying he didn’t have to go for the knife in his pocket. He might be tiny compared to Luther, but Tido would fight for his life if he had to.

With a sneer, Luther walked out, slamming the door behind him. When he heard Luther engage the lock, Tido ran to the window, only to groan when he saw it had bars on it.

He was a beanpole, but he’d never fit through them.

His heart leapt and he jumped when he heard his phone ping. He snatched his phone from his pocket and looked at the screen. He had reception!

Tido quickly dialed Drake’s number.

“Where are you?” Drake asked as soon as he answered.

“With Kenji’s old pack. Where’s my mate?”