Page 24 of The Hard Fall

“Oh, yeah.” Drake frowned. “He really hasn’t talked to me since then.”

“A demon with a fire whip hurt him,” Tido said. “If it wasn’t for that guy healing him, he might have died.”

Drake looked away.

Tido touched his friend’s shoulder. “It wasn’t your fault. You only called Gage to get you and Ajax out of that situation. You had no idea that demon would turn on Gage.”

“That doesn’t stop me from feeling guilty,” Drake said. “I swear I hate fucking demons. They’ve been nothing but trouble for us.”

“I think maybe we should keep Elijah and Gage out of this,” Tido suggested and then took another bite of the delicious cake.

“Just so you know, I bought that cake from The Sweet Spot,” Ajax said when he walked over to the counter.

“Sanjay made this?” Tido asked. “God, I love that guy.”

“I was late getting in this morning and didn’t have time,” Ajax explained.

“I paid for this,” Tido said. “Just so you know.”

Ajax chuckled. “You’re learning.”

Tido noticed that Kenji was still seated at the table, looking lost in thought. He picked up his plate and glass of milk and walked over, taking a seat across from his mate.

“You okay?” Tido slid his plate to Kenji. “Take a bite.”

Kenji picked up the fork and hesitated for a moment before taking a bite of the cake. He sighed, and Tido noticed the relief on his mate’s face.

“It’s good, right?” Tido asked, trying to cheer Kenji up. He knew the situation was bothering Kenji, and he wanted to help him out of his funk.

Kenji nodded, taking another bite. “Yeah, it’s great,” he said, finally smiling a little.

“Chocolate is the cure for any problem.” Tido slid the glass of milk across the table. “What happened to laughter helping to ease the knot of tension in your chest and lowering your blood pressure?”

Kenji slid the plate back to Tido. “It’s sometimes hard to remember that when you know someone is fucking you over.”

“Did you and Ajax come up with a solution?” Tido took another bite, unable to resist the deliciousness.

“Stay put and wait for their next move.” Kenji didn’t look happy about that plan, but Tido liked it. That meant his mate wouldn’t be charging into danger. He didn’t know Kenji’s pack, had no idea who Maceson or Kramer was—other than what Kenji had said—but if someone was willing to send a demon after him, they were very bad people.

“I know one way to pass the time,” Tido suggested and noticed how Kenji’s pretty brown eyes smoldered. “We could visit my parents.”

“That wasn’t exactly what I had in mind.” Kenji sat forward, placing his forearms on the table. “I was thinking more along the lines of staying in bed for the next two weeks.”

While that thought made Tido hard, he really wanted to talk to his mom. “After our visit.”

Kenji's eyes sparkled dangerously, and Tido knew that his mate was definitely interested in the idea of staying in bed. But he wanted to keep the mood light. He smirked at Kenji, taking another bite of the heavenly cake.

“I have been meaning to see my parents for a while now. They haven’t met you yet, and I think they would love to get to know you better.” Tido finished his bite.

Kenji was definitely an upgrade from Alan. Tido’s parents had never liked Alan. Hopefully they would approve of Kenji.

Kenji sighed, but Tido could see the curiosity in his eyes. “All right, but I’m not making any promises to be on my best behavior.” He winked, and Tido let out a laugh.

Tido took a sip of the milk, savoring the cool liquid. “I wouldn't mess with my parents if I were you,” he said, grinning. “You might be a wolf, but my dad has a pretty hard bite.”

“Has he bitten before?” Kenji asked.

“He kicked Alan out of his house because Alan acted as if he was never taught manners.” Tido sipped the milk. “Of course, when I say my dad has a bite, I mean verbally.”