Page 2 of The Hard Fall

“At the café.” Drake took a seat at the table. “I have the day off and thought we could hang out. Elijah and Gage are at work, and if I stick around the café any longer, I’ll gain twenty pounds.”

The Bluebird Café. Tido had been there a few times, and Ajax made the best treats. He also made some amazing coffee.

“Hang out with me and I’ll tell you who that is across the street,” Drake said.

“You don’t know.” Tido narrowed his eyes. “You’re just fucking with me.”

“No, I’m not.” Drake held up his hands, palms out. “Swear, I know him. If you want, I’ll even introduce you to him.”

Was Drake being real, or was he simply stringing Tido along just so Tido would hang out with him? Tido wanted out of the house anyway, just in case Alan returned. He also was dying to know what Stud Muffin’s name was.

“Fine, where do you want to go?”

“I want some ice cream,” Drake said.

Hadn’t his friend just complained about gaining weight? Tido didn’t see why Drake was worried. Sure, he carried a few extra pounds, but Tido wished he could gain weight. He was as skinny as a twig, and no matter what he ate, he never gained an ounce.

Cursed genes.

“Get your shoes on and I’ll tell you all about your neighbor on our ride into town.” Drake crossed his heart with his finger. “I swear I know him.”

Since Tido trusted his best friend, he slipped his sneakers on, grabbed his wallet, phone, and keys, and then headed to the door. He froze midstep when the doorbell rang.

When Drake headed for the door, Tido shoved him aside and mouthed, “It might be Alan.”

“Then I’ll get rid of his ass,” Drake whispered back. “Move behind the door.”

“No,” Tido hissed. “We’ll just wait until he leaves.”

“And you don’t even know that it’s him,” Drake argued.

Drake reached for the door handle. Tido smacked his hand away. Drake glared at him and tried again. Tido scowled at Drake and knocked his hand away again.

“Grow up,” Drake said, this time not bothering to lower his voice.

With a groan, Tido hid behind the door as Drake answered it.

“Oh, hey, Drake,” Alan said. “I was looking for Tido.”

“He died,” Drake said. “Up in Alaska. Polar bear attack. It was the saddest thing, really. I’m just here getting some of the things I left.”

Tido rolled his eyes. They would have been better off just hiding until Alan gave up. That had been the worst excuse on the planet, and Alan would see right through it.

Suddenly, Tido’s phone rang. His eyes went wide when he saw it was Alan calling him. He tried to silence the call, only to fumble his phone and drop it. It continued to ring. Tido kicked it toward the couch, unsure why he’d just done that.

“His phone is ringing,” Alan argued as Tido pressed himself so hard against the wall he should have become one with it.

He was not good under pressure.

“I mounted the bear’s hide and hung it on Tido’s wall. His phone must still be in the bear’s gut,” Drake said. “Was there something else you needed?”

Tido heard Alan let go of a long sigh. “When the bear poops him out, tell him to be a man and tell me he doesn’t want to see me instead of playing games.”

“He doesn’t want to see you again,” Drake said.

“I want to hear it from Tido.” A moment later it sounded as if Alan was stomping down the steps.

“Close the damn door,” Tido whispered. “He might see me through the crack.”