Page 18 of The Hard Fall

“That was priceless. Never get those two started with that debate. It’s turned ugly at times.”

“I had no idea.” Kenji smiled. “I was just fucking with them about having you in my basement. They’re the ones who took it to a whole new level.”

The doorbell rang again.

“I’m going to tie those two in my basement if they don’t get lost,” Kenji snarled. It had been a fun distraction, but now they were pissing him off.

Tido patted his leg. “I’ll take care of them.”

He got up, dressed, and strolled to the door. The hair on the back of Kenji’s neck prickled. He was off the couch and racing toward his mate just as Tido opened the door.

With a swift motion, Kenji pushed Tido to the ground and rolled away from the door just as a bolt of electricity shot through it. The crackling energy filled the room and sent sparks flying in all directions. Kenji’s heart hammered as he quickly assessed the situation. He grabbed Tido and shoved him toward the fireplace for cover before leaping to his feet. In one fluid motion, he charged toward the demon, his muscles tensed and ready for a fight. With a powerful thrust, Kenji collided with the enemy, sending them both stumbling backward onto the front porch. The impact was jarring, but Kenji refused to back down, determined to protect his mate at all costs.

Kenji’s rage boiled over. His brow furrowed, and his fists clenched tight. With a fierce determination, he delivered blow after blow to the man’s face, each hit filled with the intensity of a warrior fighting for his life. The sounds of grunts and thuds were heard as Kenji relentlessly unleashed his fury, driven by a desire to end this man’s life.

His hands were stained with blood, but he didn't care—nothing could stop him now in his mission to keep Tido safe. The air was thick with tension and violence, and Kenji’s heart raced with adrenaline as he continued his brutal assault on the enemy before him.

The demon shoved Kenji off of him and shot to his feet, holding out his hand to throw another bolt. Kenji felt his wolf trying to break free, but he refused to let it out. Some neighbors were outside. Human neighbors. He couldn’t let them see a preternatural fight, but Kenji also wasn’t going to pull the demon inside where Tido was.

Kenji’s muscles tensed as he cocked his arm back, ready to strike the guy in the face. But before he could make contact, a sudden spray of water erupted onto his porch, drenching them. He looked past the demon to see Drake and Elijah standing there, their expressions wide-eyed and shocked, Elijah holding on to the hose with a white-knuckled grip.

The demon let out a guttural snarl, its eyes flashing with malice as it turned to go after the mates. But before it could take another step, Kenji lunged and tackled it to the ground, fueled by anger at the unprovoked attack but also pissed that Elijah was soaking him.

“Cut the damn water off,” Kenji bellowed.

With a violent twist of his body, the demon flung Kenji off of him and darted toward the side of the house. Kenji scrambled to his feet, heart pounding in his chest as he gave chase, but by the time he reached the spot where the demon had turned, it was gone.

He stormed back toward Elijah and Drake. “What in the hell was that about?”

“He shot electricity,” Drake said. “We were ringing Tido’s doorbell and saw what he did.”

“I was trying to short-circuit him,” Elijah stated like it should have been obvious.

“What?” Kenji shook his head, looking incredulously at the two.

“Water,” Elijah said slowly, as if Kenji was daft. “Electricity. Short circuit.”

“What in the hell was that?” Tido asked as he ran onto the porch.

“Tido!” Elijah dropped the hose and ran onto the porch, hugging his friend. “What in the hell is going on?”

“That’s what I want to know,” Tido said. “Who was that guy, and how did he do that?”

“Ajax told me about demons, but I never thought I’d actually meet one.” Drake ran a shaky hand through his hair as he joined them, appearing physically shaken.

“Demon?” Tido looked at Kenji. “That was a demon? Like a demon from hell?”

“Technically, he’s from the demon realm. There’s a difference.” Kenji looked around, noticing the sun was setting. “You guys need to get inside.” He looked at his mate. “I’ll explain everything, after I call Mason and Ajax to come collect their mates.”

After Tido, Elijah, and Drake made their way inside, Kenji shut and locked the door, wondering what the hell was going on. Why would a demon attack him? As far as he knew, he hadn’t pissed off any.

“I’m using the bathroom,” Tido said. “I’ll be right back.”

“You’re not going anywhere alone,” Elijah argued.

“What’re you going to do, hold my hand while I pee?” Tido hurried away as Kenji grabbed his clothes from the floor, dressing. Just in case the demon returned, he didn’t want to be in his underwear.

* * * *