Page 11 of The Hard Fall

“And he might come here and eat all of that delicious pie,” Elijah added. “You remember what he did to that strawberry cake?”

Kenji had eaten the entire cake, only giving a slice to Elijah. Drake hadn’t gotten any of it.

“Speaking of,” Ajax said. “That’ll be ten dollars.”

“Are you really going to make us pay?” Elijah asked as he set his half-eaten pie on the counter.

“I’m giving you a discount,” Ajax said. “I’m not Mason. I’m not giving away my food for free.”

“He started charging my friends,” Elijah said. “A discount, like you, but he started making them pay because my friends are pigs.”

“I only order half of the menu,” Drake argued. “I can’t help it he has some really good food.”

Elijah narrowed his eyes at Ajax before he pulled a ten out of his pocket and slapped it on the counter. “I’m not leaving a tip. You’re mated to my best friend, which means you suck up all his free time.”

“Not all my time.” Drake wasn’t putting his plate down. He was finishing his piece. “I’m hanging out with you now.” He looked at his mate. “I told Elijah what happened at the ice cream hut, and now he wants to go grill Tido.”

Ajax opened his mouth, clearly to say something, but Drake went on. “Like Tido would know. He’s human. It’s Kenji we need to interrogate.”

Humor twinkled in Ajax’s eyes. “By all means, interrogate Kenji.”

“He won’t mind?” Elijah asked.

“Just stay away from coffeemakers,” Ajax said.

Elijah rolled his eyes. “I told you it was Kenji who broke your machine, not me.”

“You admitted you pressed a bunch of buttons,” Ajax reminded Elijah.

“I’m not admitting to anything,” Elijah huffed. “Can I get a coffee?”

Drake chuckled. “You’re hopeless.”

“I’m thirsty,” Elijah said.

Not only did Ajax give Elijah a to-go cup of coffee—for free—he whipped up Drake’s favorite strawberry-banana smoothie.

“You two stay out of trouble,” Ajax said. “And leave Kenji in one piece. He’s my friend.”

“What?” Elijah asked all innocently. “We just want to talk to him.”

“Afterward I want to stop at the dinner and see Gage and Julian,” Drake said. “Since they’re our other best friends, they need to know what’s going on with Tido.”

“And people say I can’t keep things to myself,” Elijah said. “Come on, let’s go talk to Kenji.”

“Give me one second.” Drake rounded the counter, grabbed Ajax’s hand, and led his smiling mate toward the kitchen.

* * * *

Tido was so full he thought he was going to bust. He and Kenji were sprawled out on the couch, watching some movie, as Tido eyed the last piece of chicken in the container.

“Go ahead. You know you want it,” Kenji said.

Tido looked at him. “You gave me the lion’s share. I don’t think I can move from this spot for another hour or two.”

“That was my diabolical plan.” Kenji wiggled his brows. “Plow you with so much chicken that you couldn’t leave.”

“It worked.” Tido groaned. “Why do I always eat so much?”