Page 42 of Marked for the Pack

Freya didn’t so much as stir with all three of us crowded into her bedroom. My wolf felt content at seeing her resting. He knew she needed all the rest she could get before her heat hit. It was my human side feeling this jealousy, then. But why? I already knew I was no good for Freya, not really.

It was easy to think of all the reasons I shouldn’t try to earn my place in her good graces. But seeing her face so peaceful in sleep made all my protectiveness and possessiveness come roaring right back against my intentions.

This wasn’t all about Freya, though.

For as long as I could remember, Gage and I had been inseparable. We’d grown up together, we’d been best friends our whole lives, and as a teen, I’d spent many nights thinking about kissing my best friend. But my father’s teachings were always in the back of my mind. Gage and I were both destined to be married off for strategic alliances. Getting my feelings involved with Gage would only end badly for us both — if he even felt the same way.

Over the years, I’d come to realize that he didn’t. We’d survived many tough situations together, and Gage had never once leaned on me as more than a packmate. Maybe that’s part of what made the jealousy so strong now. His feelings toward Freya were obvious. He’d never felt a tenth of that for me.

Flint stepped away, saying, “I’ll take the other room while you’re on watch.”

The fact that I sensed not a drip of jealousy from him annoyed me, even though he was right. It was almost time for our night watch to begin. We couldn’t be too careful, especially with Ironwood on our tails.

Although the sun was already down, I still found myself reluctant to turn away from the sight before me. My heart longed for connection. I didn’t want to wake Freya, but perhaps I could convince my best friend to give me a moment. I caught Gage’s eyes, then jerked my chin toward the other room. I disrobed, unconcerned with nudity considering we’d all shifted around each other our entire adult lives.

In moments, I piled my clothes outside the bedroom and fell to all fours, letting my wolf push his way to the forefront. He wasinstantly disgruntled to be indoors. The night called to my wolf, and he wanted to see the moon for himself.

Gage frowned at me, and then slowly extricated himself from the blankets, causing Freya to roll onto her back with a soft sigh. Seeing them together made something physically ache inside of me. And the fact that they were so cute together made my self-loathing rise.

I headed toward the front door, and Gage let me out like an overgrown dog. A very, very big dog who filled the doorway. Alpha wolves stood a head taller — or more — compared to regular non-shifter wolves. By the time I headed into the yard and turned around, Gage was in the middle of his shift. A split second later, he stood beside me.

“No shifting inside,”he grumbled.

The house had come with strict rules around shifter use — the owners didn’t want any damage to the place. As if three alphas couldn’t control their wolves. Ridiculous.

“I wanted your attention.”

Gage trotted off, starting a perimeter check, which was supposed to be my job at the moment. I fell into lockstep beside him, just two wolves loping around a house on the outskirts of town.

“You jealous?”Gage asked, probably sensing it pouring off of me in a torrential downpour.

Lying was out of the question. But he didn’t have to know that my jealousy came from them both.

“Yep,”I admitted.“But it’s my own fault for pushing her away.”

“Looked like she enjoyed herself at the restaurant.”

“Not that she’ll ever admit it.”


Gathering my courage, I said,“I wanted to get your thoughts on something.”

“The answer is no,”Gage insisted.

He hadn’t even heard me out yet.

“You don’t even know the question!”

“If you want my permission to relieve your blue balls in town, the answer is no. Freya is too close to her heat, and if she smells someone else on you—”

My growl cut him off.“Whoa, okay, that was totally not the question. And I’m kinda pissed you think so little of me. You saw me turn away Tork, after all.”

“That was before you pissed off Freya.”

I chuffed my frustration.“I fucked up, I know. But none of that matters right now. I can’t believe I have to remind you that we have a job tomorrow.”

“I haven’t forgotten.”