Page 30 of Marked for the Pack

“Veal, lamb, duck, or bison,” Heath’s hand slid to my thigh, squeezing reassuringly. “Whichever the lady would prefer.”

He smiled over at me, his eyes lit with an expression I couldn’t begin to interpret. It took me a second, but I suddenly realized Heath had just boiled down everything Oliver had rattled off into four things for me to pick from.

I honestly couldn’t remember what veal was, so I said the only one I was actually familiar with eating. “Duck.”

“Bison for me,” Flint said.

“Veal,” Gage said.

“Then I’ll round us out with the lamb,” Heath added. “And I hope these other lugs will let me try theirs. It all sounds delicious, Oliver.”

The man smiled his first genuine smile of the evening, preening under the praise. “I can’t wait to hear what you think! Oh! And… drinks?”

He didn’t rattle off a list this time, so I asked for iced tea. After the guys ordered their drinks, Oliver bustled off. Heath slid out of the booth to go talk to their contact, and I missed the calming weight of his hand almost immediately. Without him here, I felt lost at sea.

I leaned into Flint and whispered, “Are you as intimidated as I am?”

He grinned and kissed me, shocking me for a moment. But as his lips moved against mine, I found myself relaxing into him.

He pulled back and answered, “Yes, but as an alpha, I have to hide it.”

I laughed, and my hand came down on his thigh beneath the table. I thought I felt… as I moved my hand, it came into contact with a very firm bulge.

“Oh my,” I grinned wickedly at him.

That kiss must’ve gotten him going. Unable to resist, I let my hand cover his bulge, and he bucked his hips, making me chuckle.

He whispered against my lips, “Just one kiss has me primed for you.”

“What would two kisses do?” I asked.

A server interrupted us by bringing over our drinks. She stood far too close to Gage for my liking. My inner wolf wentwild, growling and scratching at my insides, trying to get out so I could challenge her. She kept her gaze averted, but my animal side wasn’t fooled.

Gage slammed a hand down on the table, making all four glasses slosh over onto the white tablecloth.

“We only want Oliver himself to serve us,” he growled.

With a yelp, the woman scurried away. It was then that I sensed it on the air… she was a wolf shifter.

Flint hooked a finger to tilt my chin up. He smiled, rubbing his nose against mine. “We’re yours, Freya. She’s no threat.”

I squeezed his leg, grounding myself in his presence. Moon Goddess spare me… I was losing my mind.

“Your instincts are going to take over the closer you get to your heat,” he reassured me. “It’s normal.”

“It doesn’t feel normal,” I grumbled. “I’ve never… I spent years thinking my wolf would never appear. Now she’s constantly in the back of my mind.”

“You get used to it,” Gage said. “Once she comes out, the two of you will… come to an agreement.”

I glanced over at the pack alpha, surprised that even he was trying to reassure me.

“If she comes out,” I pointed out.

“Don’t give up hope,” Flint said. “Hugo said that other wolf didn’t shift until the full moon after his twenty-fifth birthday. We won’t know for sure until then.”

Eager to think about anything besides the upcoming chance for my wolf to disappoint me again, I slid my hand back up Flint’s thigh.

“When is your birthday, anyway?” Gage asked.