A human-looking shop owner invited the willowy family of amber-eyed fae to peruse her wares on the front porch of hershop. The three adult fae towered over her, their pointed ears sticking out from their shiny, straight hair.
I took Flint’s hand, but Heath didn’t let my other hand go, leaving me awkwardly standing there holding the hands of two men. Even stranger still, it didn’t actually feel all that wrong. No one even gave us a second look.
“Did you know most fae don’t mate in pairs like wolves do?” Heath remarked, his eyes on the fae family.
When I looked closer, I realized one child accompanied three adults. That proved nothing, though. I assumed one of them was an aunt or uncle… until the three of them started holding hands just like we were doing. They soon disappeared inside the shop, taking my curiosity with them.
“Heath, go get supplies,” Gage ordered, oblivious to our conversation as he stared at his phone. “I’m off to negotiate a place for us to stay and get our next job lined up. We need to keep our heads above water until we can go back to Moonblessed.” He leveled a gaze at Flint. “Keep her safe.”
“Of course.”
Was it strange that I felt bereft when Heath dropped my hand? He headed one way down the street while Gage went the other. My spirits fell until Heath glanced over his shoulder as though he could feel my gaze on his back. He grinned and gave me a saucy wink, looking smug as he kept walking.
I instantly felt like an ass when I turned to find Flint’s loving gaze on me. Before I could say a word, however, his lips descended on mine. His kiss was slow and sensual, but cut short when the bus let off an angry hiss as it left to continue its journey.
He grinned and tugged me in the direction Gage had gone. “Come on. If we stick to this side of town, we’re less likely to run into other wolf shifters.”
I sighed. “I feel bad for continually messing up your plans. That’s why I wanted to do this alone.”
“I’m yours, moonbeam. You’d have to be a lot more convincing to leave me behind.” He grinned down at me, then his expression faltered. “And as far as the others are concerned, the deal is still on, so they’ll do whatever it takes to protect you.”
From his expression, I judged he must not be thrilled about that.
“But, I thought… now that we know we’re mates…” I took a deep breath, then asked, “How do you feel about the deal?”
His eyes roamed over my face. “Doesn’t really matter, does it? How do you feel about it, moonbeam?”
A confused laugh escaped me. I thought I knew how I felt about it. But after sitting on Heath’s lap… and after the way Gage had acted after protecting me from that rogue alpha the other day… I wasn’t so sure anymore.
Maybe if Flint had agreed to claim me, things might be clearer, but until then, I still belonged to all three of them. And… I didn’t hate that idea, even though I felt like I should.
“Three hot alphas to see me through my heat?” I forced a chuckle. “Some would call that a dream come true. But, if you’re my mate, then… I shouldn’t…”
Flint was amazing, and he should be enough for me. But with him thinking my wolf would choose more mates than just him? It sounded too good to be true, even if I still wasn’t sure where I stood with either Gage or Heath.
His expression was far too knowing, making me want to apologize for… what? Heath had pulled me into his lap. Gage had come onto me after protecting me. None of those were actions I’d taken. But my reactions to them…
“I want you to have whatever you want, moonbeam,” Flint whispered against my lips so no one else could hear. “I told you I don’t mind.”
Then he squeezed me close and trailed his lips over my earlobe.
“I always want you to be happy and protected. My mate should have anything she desires. Anything.”
“And you’re sure…” I felt vulnerable saying it here, in the middle of this bustling street. “Gage and Heath taking advantage of the deal… doesn’t bother you?”
He growled. “Only if they do something you don’t like.”
I nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. He’d seen how distraught and closed-off I’d been after having sex with Heath. I had a feeling both of us were still angry at him about that.
But as for Gage… I couldn’t deny how much I wanted him to tease and torment me again and again, making me come over and over like he had before. My knees grew weak just thinking about it.
Flint sucked in a breath, chuckling as he did so. “That’s exactly what I want you to smell like when you’re with us.”
Chapter 8
Gage arranged for a house on the outskirts of town, and Flint and I were the first to arrive. When I saw it had only two beds, I cozied up to Flint and said, “I vote you and I share a bed.”