Page 105 of Marked for the Pack

I’d never told anyone what I saw in my mind’s eye when I imagined the wolf inside of me.

“She was beautiful. Majestic. Snow blue, like your eyes.”

My sharp intake of breath gave me pause. In my mind, she was as white as the moon, but sometimes, in shadow… her undercoat gave her a light blue look, like freshly fallen snow. It was an eerie sight, especially paired with my blue eyes, which were the same in both forms.

“And my wolf’s eyes?” I asked. “Did you see them?”

My throat closed when I thought back to what Ingrid had told me about my family, how their eyes never turned golden.

“As blue as they are right now.”

He got it right once again. Flint had once told me there was power in dreams, and his eyes shone with more belief than I possessed. Maybe it wasn’t much of a stretch for his subconscious to imagine my wolf’s coat as pale as my hair, and with the same eyes I possessed as a human.

“Dreams are sacred, filled with secret meanings that each of us must unravel.”

He gave me a meaningful look, and I remembered my own mysterious dreams of late.

“During my heat… I dreamed of a dark wolf. A wolf shifter. I’ve heard you all talk about another packmate.”

Flint nodded. “You know his name.”

“Rowan,” I whispered, as though by saying his name I might summon the intimidating wolf from my dream.

“He’ll return to us soon,” Flint said. “Heath called him back now that things have changed.”

“I’m looking forward to meeting him,” I said, hiding my shiver of anticipation.

Part of me worried about what their former packmate — someone they trusted more than anyone else in the world — would think of their new situation. The pack alpha claiming a mate, yet also giving his mate permission to be with others. Did Gage’s edict extend to this mysterious wolf as well?

I remembered all-too-well the dream I’d had about him as my heat began. Part of me wanted him, and I didn’t even know him.

“Do you think it’s because of my magic that I dreamed of someone I never met?”

“Perhaps,” Flint said. “Or your magic interacting with the pack bond, more specifically.”

“With my heat over, I want to find someone who can help me break the curse — Ironwood might still be coming after me.” The situation with Frost Fang would probably complicate that plan — based on all the bustling around, I got the impression we wouldn’t be leaving particularly soon.

“The Frost Fang pack has always had a contentious relationship with non-wolves,” Flint sounded as disappointed as I felt. “You’ll find no mentor here.”

We finished eating and retired to bed not long after. Gage and Heath never returned to the house, but Flint didn’t leave my side. He sensed I needed company, and he snuggled back into bed with me. My mind whirled with thoughts of wolves and witches as I settled in, and it took me awhile to fall asleep.

Burrowed in the bedding, even my half-blooded nose could pick up the lingering smell of sex. Maybe that’s why Gage hadn’t returned. Hard enough for him to accept what he’d sensed through the mate bond. Harder still to smell it with his own nose.

As I slept in my wise alpha’s arms that night, I dreamed.

In my dream, I flew out of our den and found myself outside the house, floating above the Frost Fang pack. They gazed up atme with adoration in their eyes. Those in the back in wolf form howled, a victorious sound welcoming me to the pack. The two-legged ones in the front gazed up at me in unnerving silence.

When I began drifting toward the forest to leave them behind, they followed me, so I faced them once more.

“As your pack alpha’s mate, I command you to turn back,” I yelled down at them.

Reluctantly, they listened, and I flew over the forest, until I spotted a path below. A path I didn’t need to follow, because I could fly. Yet I followed it anyway.

Eventually, through some dream-sense, I knew I’d reached the edge of packlands to the east. Once there, I slowly floated down to settle in a clearing.

A woman waited for me, just as I’d expected, shrouded in shadows. The same woman with deep-blue eyes who’d appeared to me as I was recovering from Nira’s poisoned blade. She’d been so proud of me, but I couldn’t remember why. I tried to remember what she’d said to me in that earlier dream, but before I could, her voice reached me.

“I’m your last living relative, Freya. Your aunt,” the woman said without moving her lips.