Page 52 of Marked for the Pack

I silently thanked him with my eyes, and both he and Gage moved closer to me, lending me their strength.

“Cursed?” Ingrid pulled her braid over her shoulder and detangled a few strands at the end. “Well, he certainly had her magic bound, if you consider that a curse. But that was for your protection, dear. Couldn’t have you giving away the secret of your parentage with Denraider on the warpath. But surely it’s worn off by now.”

“It hasn’t,” I growled.

Gage cut me with a glance, making me realize I shouldn’t have given her that fact.

“Do you know who bound her magic?” Heath asked.

“With Lilith and her mates on the run or dead, Liam went to the only other witch he knew. Freya’s aunt. Her father’s sister.”

“Do you know her name and where to find her?” Gage asked through gritted teeth.

“Afraid not. I don’t mingle with mages, you know. Dangerous business.” She winked at me congenially, like I would agree with her that half my heritage was to be avoided.

“What about my father? Do you know anything about him?” I asked.

Ingrid raised her eyes to the sky as if searching her memory. “Liam may have mentioned the man’s name once, but I’m sorry… I can’t recall.”

“Did he ever mention the name of a coven?” Heath pressed.

Ingrid just frowned and shook her head. “Not that I remember.”

It seemed we’d run out of leads on my family.

“And Freya’s sister?” Flint asked a moment later. “Do you know her name?”

Ingrid opened her hands helplessly. “I’ve told you all I can remember, I’m sorry.”

Heath smiled tightly and stepped forward to lay a hand on her shoulder. “It’s okay. Thank you for telling us what you did know. Let’s give Freya a moment while we talk more about our original reason for risking our faces near our old packlands.”

“Does Gage intend to challenge for pack alpha?” Ingrid asked as Heath steered her away from us. I didn’t miss the look of hope in her eyes as she glanced over her shoulder at him.

But Gage stayed behind with me and Flint, and I didn’t hear how Heath answered her.

“If you think of anything else you’d like to ask her, just say the word,” Gage stared down at me with his intense sky-blue gaze.

Ever since I’d sworn my loyalty and joined his pack, I felt like an open book to him. Did pack alphas always pick up on their subordinates’ emotions so much?

“I wish she could remember more,” Flint mused. “Before she leaves, we should ask her if anyone else from Nightsinger might know more.”

“If they’re part of Frost Fang now, we can’t risk it,” Gage warned.

“Couldn’t Rowan—”

Flint cut himself off when Gage shook his head. I briefly recalled hearing that name mentioned before, but with everything else on my mind, it was the last item on a long list of things I had questions about.

“My aunt and my sister might still be alive,” I breathed, finding hope where I could.

“If both Lilith and Liam had blue eyes like yours, you should know your sister when you meet her,” Flint smiled at me.

“Though if she had a different father, maybe not.” I shook my head. “Who knows where she might be now?”

“She certainly wasn’t in Frost Fang,” Gage remarked. “I would’ve remembered seeing eyes like yours before.” He slid a hand through my long hair. “I’ve never met anyone like you.”

My body warmed at his words even though I knew he meant anyone wholookedlike me. And suddenly I wanted that hand in my hair to tighten so he could position me how he wanted me for a kiss. Gage’s nostrils flared as his gaze slid down my body.

Flint made a quiet sound, and his hands slid around my hips from behind, pulling me tight to him, my back to his hard chest. He whispered in my ear, “We should get you out of here.”