Page 45 of Marked for the Pack

Since Heath had ambushed me right after I’d awakened, I hadn’t had to chance to answer nature’s call yet. But it was also an excuse to think through everything in solitude.

As soon as they could shift, teenagers swore their loyalty to the pack they’d been born in. They would shift into their wolves, showing that they had control over their animal side. Then they would give the pack alpha their loyalty with all of their being — human and wolf. The pack alpha would also shift and bite them to bestow the pack mark, which would scar and never fade. The mark would remain no matter which form the new pack member shifted into.

Why would Heath dangle pack status in front of my face when he knew I couldn’t shift? That’s why Ironwood had never given me their pack mark, after all.

Male voices discussed something amongst themselves before footsteps wandered off. A few minutes later, I finally emerged to find breakfast was ready.

“You know,” I told Flint, “if you’d wake me when you get up, I could help out.”

Heath appeared in the doorway, his expression cautiously hopeful. I really didn’t know what he was playing at now. First, he said he’d been an ass to me on purpose, as if that would make me somehow more likely to forgive him?

And then he made it sound like I could just… join their pack if I wanted to.

“I can’t shift, so why are you tantalizing me with the pack bond?”

My irritation and annoyance at him snapped into place. But just then, Gage came in through the front door. His pants were on but unbuttoned, and he’d balled up his shirt in his fist. My eyes ate up his well-built upper body, remembering last night.

We’d started out with some kind of anger-banging and ended up doing something that somehow felt almost… soft. As soft as Gage got, anyway.

Flint came over with a plate he’d made for me, and suddenly, it felt like too much. My feelings were all over the place with these three.

“Is this some kind of trick?” I asked Heath.

He instantly stepped forward and pushed a piece of my hair behind my ear. His hungry gaze felt far too heavy and full of promises.

“Remember how I once promised to beat Gage’s head in until he agreed to let you join the pack?”

I remembered. It was after I’d run away from the cabin at Alloy. Heath had chased me, killed some Ironwood wolves to protect me, then told me he and Gage were too dangerous for me. I glanced over at Gage, my body flushing as I recalled the ‘reminders’ they’d given me after that about who I belonged to.

I shook my head, focusing on the present. “Did you guys fight while I was sleeping?”

I supposed they could’ve healed already, thanks to their shifter gifts. Healing abilities I would’ve loved to have back in Ironwood, with all the beatings I received.

Heath’s hand moved through his hair. He was acting a lot more nervous than I’d ever seen from him before.

“No violence necessary. Gage is a big softie when it comes to you…”

He trailed off as his pack alpha let out a growl that sounded every bit like he was still in wolf form.

I chuckled. “I don’t think he’s gone soft. He was angry the whole time he was fucking me last night.”

Heath barked a laugh. “I’m pretty sure that’s just how Gage shows his lo—” Heath coughed and repeated himself, “How Gage shows affection.”

Gage stepped toward Heath, who danced back with a grin on his face.

“What did you do, Heath?”

“He seems to have conveniently forgotten I can’t shift,” I said, crossing my arms.

Flint ran his warm hand down my back. “You don’t need to shift for Gage to mark you. Truthfully, only the pack alpha needs to shift.”

I shook my head. “What’s really going on here? Heath is acting weird, Gage is—”

Gage growled at Heath, then turned toward me. “Gage is what?”

“You’re both acting weird!” I rolled my eyes and then took a big bite of biscuit before I could put my foot in my mouth.

“Freya, will you swear your loyalty to the Howling Echo?” Heath asked.