Page 32 of Marked for the Pack

Chapter 12


The moment I heard the word ‘punishment’ fall from Heath’s sinful lips, my arousal instantly soaked my panties. Heath’s arm snaked around behind me, and he guided my chin until I looked over at the pack alpha. Gage’s sky-blue eyes locked onto us, but he continued eating, as though this was a normal part of the outing.

“So what?” I murmured. “You think you get to punish me for having fun with Flint?”

“No. You know what you did to deserve punishment,” Heath murmured.

That word again lit my body up with desire. Honestly, I had enjoyed every punishment they’d concocted for me in the past, even that time that Heath made me come without a sound for daring to touch myself without them. Well, I’d loved the physical parts at least. I was still angry with him for how he’d made me feel. Regardless of the deal, I wasn’t going to let him make me feel that way again if I could help it.

“Of course. I can do…” Heath’s arm remained draped around me, while his other hand slid up my leg again, then pulled my thigh across his lap beneath the table. “Whatever I want to you. For any reason. Or no reason. Because you’re ours.”

Maybe it was thanks to my oncoming heat, but I really, really wanted to see where this was going. Still, I glanced over at Flint to see what he thought of it all.

His look of outright lust made heat flood my body. His eyes scanned my face, watching me closely, as though waiting for something. Flint had once watched Gage take me… It seemed he was ready to watch again. As long as he knew I wanted it.

Heath’s calloused fingertips slid up the inside of my other thigh, teasing me beneath the dress he’d bought for me.

“I know you feel guilty that we lost that other job,” Heath whispered in my ear. “But you can make it up to us. Then we’ll be even.”

Then his fingers slid without hesitation straight into my panties. His fingertips delved beneath the edge, and I turned back to face him just in time to see his eyes go completely golden. For a moment, I stared into the eyes of a predator as his wolf took over.

A sudden draft caressed between my thighs as Heath tore my panties completely off, making me gasp. My wetness made the air feel colder than it really was.

Heath fought for control of his wolf, but gold still ringed his caramel irises. I shuddered when his fingertips met my body, thankfully without claws.

“No pain, remember?” he growled. “That was part of our deal.”

He grinned, but it didn’t quite reach his eyes. His fingers circled my clit, and my mouth gaped open in shock. He was really about to do this to me in public. We might be in the corner of the restaurant, but there were plenty of other tables full of people nearby. They ignored us as the well-dressed waitstaff bustled among them.

“Freya?” Flint questioned, drawing my attention back to him.

He scanned my face again, his intense gaze sharpening. My lips parted on a gasp as Heath’s fingers grazed my most sensitive areas. I nodded to Flint, letting him know I was okay.

Heath’s arm tightened around my shoulders. “I remember watching you come without a sound. Good practice for today, little wolf. Because Flint and I are going to drive you wild… and we wouldn’t want to ruin business for our friend Oliver. Not after he worked sohardfor this place.”

Heath ground the heel of his hand into my clit, making me gasp.

Flint’s big palm lifted my other thigh and brought it over to his lap just as Heath’s fingertips pierced me. My head fell back in ecstasy at the way these men were ruining me… in public. I struggled not to make a sound, and my hand fell to Heath’s forearm, begging him to slow down, to let me get my bearings.

But his fingers plunged in and out of me, my juices flowing over the seat beneath me. I gasped and nearly moaned, but just then, Flint grabbed my chin and pulled me into a kiss, stealing my sounds.

“That’s cheating, Flint,” Heath laughed.

“She’s not the only one you’re driving wild,” Flint growled when he pulled back.

I reached over to feel Flint, rock solid in his pants. But he grabbed my hand, refusing to let me play. Then he tilted his head toward Gage.

When I looked at the pack alpha, my wetness gushed over Heath’s fingers. Gage had given up eating to drape both arms over the back of the booth behind him as he watched the show.

Heath withdrew his fingers, and my chest heaved as I tried to catch my breath. But when he swirled his fingertips over my clit, my hips bucked, and only Flint’s firm hand kept me in place.

Gage’s intense gaze remained locked on me as I panted and tried not to whimper. Then his lips curled up in a smirk.

“You like it when we punish you, don’t you, princess?”

I opened my mouth in a soundless gasp before answering the pack alpha with another silent nod of my head.