Page 54 of Hell to Slay

His eyes met mine, then darted to something behind me. “Sorry, it’s just that Mel came around the corner looking hungry enough to eat an elephant, but as soon as she saw us…”

Imagining how her expression had changed turned me on even more. I dropped to my knees in front of Jax and began undoing his belt.

“I don’t mean to interrupt,” Mel said in that musical voice of hers.

“Jax?” I asked, gazing up at him. If he wanted this to be just the two of us, he needed to say so.

He looked from Mel to me. “Nico just got done telling me how many orgasms he owes me.”

“And he does look so good on his knees,” Mel purred. “Mind if I watch the first one?”

Chapter Eighteen


I’d come out of the shower and been bombarded with the delicious scent of sausage. Faced with my sudden hunger, putting on clothing wasn’t a priority. After all, my coven-mates had all seen me naked, and I knew they wouldn’t protest.

But when I came around the corner to see Nico on his knees in front of Jax? It instantly switched my hunger from food-focused to hunger of a different kind. Had they finally reached some kind of understanding at last?

“I don’t mean to interrupt,” I said with a grin at Jax.

He’d tied his hair up in a perfect topknot before he’d started cooking breakfast. It looked like someone had already interrupted him once this morning.

Nico hesitated, looking up at him, and I realized things weren’t entirely fixed yet between them.

Jax’s expression was guarded as he said, “Nico just got done telling me how many orgasms he owes me.”

Hot. I only hoped Jax would let me stick around to see at least one of them. But like a good coven-mate, I asked first.

“Be my guest,” Jax said. That was the only signal Nico needed to yank Jax’s pants down.

Jax’s cock sprang free and Nico wasted no time making it disappear into his mouth. Jax groaned, his fingertips curling over the edge of the counter. Not far away, I could see that he’d already turned off the sausage, which looked to be done. My smart, sexy chef. At least this way, a fire alarm wouldn’t ruin the mood.

Gripping the top of my towel around my chest, I hopped up to sit on the island across from Jax. My naked legs dangling off the edge as I watched his expression open up, his pupils dilating.

When he threw his head back with a moan, I caught sight of his lengthening fangs. How Nico was properly going down on him with his own fangs, I had no idea.

Nico’s hand came up to cup Jax’s balls, and the sight had me instantly wet. Jax’s pants were wrapped around his shins, and all his weight was on the countertop as he leaned back, gasping with pleasure as Nico’s head bobbed. There was only one thing that would make this hotter.

“I hope that’s not your favorite shirt,” I murmured.

“What?” Jax asked breathlessly, groaning as Nico stole back his focus.

I hopped down from the island, came around beside Nico, and grabbed a fistful of Jax’s shirt. I used it to pull him forward, bringing his mouth to mine. Then I nicked my lip on my own extended fang and kissed Jax deep.

He moaned in my mouth at the taste, and I drank in his moans. Now I understood why the guys hadn’t minded being the one watching. I wasn’t on the receiving end, but this sexy foreplay was heating me up, anyway.

I let Jax catch his breath, and he righted himself against the countertop. As he gasped for air, I drank in the sight of his red mouth.

“There’s just one thing left,” I told him. Then I grabbed his shirt with two hands and put my vampiric strength to use, easily tearing the fabric and ripping it right off his body.

“You too, kitten.” Jax’s eyes caught on me. “Give me something sexy to see while Nico blows my mind.”

That was something I loved about Jax. He wouldn’t hesitate to say what he wanted.

“How about this?”

I tightened the towel around me, then hopped back up on the island and scooted back until he could see up the towel like he was looking up my skirt. Spreading my legs, I gave Jax the full view.