Page 25 of Hell to Slay

This time I shot him a glare and refused to acknowledge him.

“The most important thing is saving your mother,” I said to Mel. “Everything else can wait. To accomplish our mission, we all need to be fully rested with our reservoir topped up.”

“You’re right.” Nico took a step back from Mel.

Now he was trying to appease me, to say what he thought I wanted to hear. Well, if he wanted to appease me, then it was my turn with Mel. He could sleep alone.

“Mel, I’d love to be your big spoon, if you’ll have me,” I cut her a quick grin, but in truth, my heart hung in the balance.

It would shatter into a million pieces if she chose Nico over me right now. With my breath held, I waited for her answer.

Mel gave me a wicked grin, her eyes twinkling with mischief. “I sleep better solo. I still haven’t gotten used to this coven business yet… but,” she sighed as though put upon, “I suppose I can’t trust the two of you to share the blankets nicely together.”

Then she turned to Nico and tilted her head up for a kiss. It was shocking to see him lean down to oblige. Even more shocking to see the tender expression on his face when he pulled away from her. He’d held himself apart for so long, but Mel had finally brought him to heel.

He ruined the tender moment by clapping his hand to her ass in a loud spank that echoed in the small kitchen. “Put our chef to bed, little witch. No doubt he’ll be up early.”

My traitorous heart rose when he said ‘our,’ but I swatted it back down. Then I held out a hand to Mel, and she took it, squeezing it tightly. Her eyes softened as she came to me, wrapping her other arm around me to kiss me.

She deepened the kiss almost immediately, and I almost pulled back when I tasted blood on her tongue. But my vampire nature took over, devouring her, tasting every trace of blood I could find. She nicked her tongue on my suddenly sharp fang, filling my mouth with even more blood.

The strangest sensation welled up inside of me. It felt related to our shared reservoir in some way, but I didn’t try to examine it. I was too tired and too worn down from all these strong emotions. I needed sleep before I lashed out at Nico and upset Mel.

I turned toward the bedroom, pulling her after me. The front door closed, and I heard Hudson’s heartbeat grow more distant as he began patrolling around the other side of the house.

Mel came willingly and didn’t even bother putting on clothes before slipping under the covers of the far bed. She rolled to face the other bed, but I wasn’t about to let her spend the night staring at Nico while she was in my arms. I wanted her as far from him as possible, so I put myself in her line of sight as Nico came into the room. Then I slowly removed my clothes. Nico could watch if he wanted, or not. I intended to sleep.

Mel reached for me, her eyes on me alone as she held back the sheets so I could slip in beside her. With my back to the other bed, I twined my naked legs with Mel’s and kissed her. The bed behind me creaked as Nico lowered himself onto it.

Although I tried to focus on enjoying the sensations of Mel’s body wrapped around mine, of her lips on mine, of our shared breath… my other senses were on high alert for any telltale sign of what Nico was doing behind me.

Mel pulled back from me, her gaze on me, never once darting behind me. I was thankful she seemed to sense that my distress was with Nico. Specifically with Nico being with her.

“You wanted to be the big spoon?” She rolled over, putting her back to me and grinding her tight little ass into my groin.

It was a sign of how tired and emotionally wrung out I was that my dick didn’t even respond.

I wrapped my arms around her, tucking her tight against my chest. “Good night, Mel. I love you.”

My chest tightened as she replied, “I love you, too, Jax. You will always be the light in my life.”

Behind us, Nico settled into the other bed alone, rolling over once before going still. I listened to both of them breathing, my heart thudding heavily in my chest.

What had he wanted to talk about? Why did he suddenly want to talk to me now, after all this time?

Despite it all, some stupid part of my heart still longed for him. Trusting him with it would be insane, though. I’d given it to him before, and I’d gotten years of heartache in return.

Hell, I wasn’t even sure I trusted Nico with Mel’s heart, either. If he hurt her…

I squeezed her close in my arms, her body completely relaxed as she fell deeper into sleep.

For someone who’d been almost as opposed to the idea of a coven as Nico, she took to it quite naturally. She’d captured all three of our hearts. Hudson was as enamored with her as I was, perhaps more so thanks to their shared history together. It was Mel’s choice as to how her bond with Nico deepened between the two of them.

And as for me? I would content myself with Mel’s love, Hudson’s brotherly affection, and the occasional sexy threesome with Nico.

After all, he’d proven time and time again that any feelings he had for me were entirely sexual. We’d had a fling, nothing more. We had sex, nothing more. He fucked Mel through me, nothing more.

I should be happy he and Mel had something together. My coven-mates were happy together, and our coven would strengthen as a result.