Page 69 of Hell to Slay

“You won’t frenzy,” she promised.

Of course Nico was forever worried about losing control. Maybe one day he would learn to trust himself, but for now, Mel had a way of reassuring him that none of the rest of us had managed to do. It had to be enough.

Nico held his hand out to Mel first, and she stepped forward into the circle, licking along his wrist. Her saliva clotted the wound, so he sliced a line right beside it. Then he held it out to me, and I did the same. Once more, he sliced a third line on his wrist, and held it out to Hudson. The effect was immediate.

Something tugged inside of me as if trying to reach out toward the other three. My eyes widened and Hudson and I locked gazes.

“Almost there,”Tempest encouraged us inside of our heads. Lightning surged in her tail as though she were somehow also gaining power from this. It made sense, I supposed, since she was Mel’s familiar and connected to her.

I sliced my wrist next and offered it to Mel first, just as Nico had. Then Nico drank from me next, and finally my brother. The feeling inside of me grew more intense, like my magic was trying to escape my body.

Hudson went next, and once more, the magic amplified, trying to fight its way free. There was no sound, but it felt like there was. The world felt chaotic, like we stood in the center of a tornado. The fact that we were just standing in Mel’s front room between the bank of windows and her weapon rack made it feel all the more surreal.

The room itself was calm. The storm was inside of us.

Mel went last, surprising me by offering her wrist to Nico first, then me, and finally Hudson, her first love.

The storm inside of me grew no more intense. Nor did its intensity abate, however. We all stared at each other in confusion. If we tried to go about our lives like this, the chaos would get us killed. It was so loud — even though it was silent — I could hardly focus on anything but my three coven-mates. It drew me to them, making me step closer, and the others did the same, drawing the circle closed.

“Magic seeks a circle,”Tempest said, her voice full of excitement.“Finish it. Take from each other and give to each other, all at once.”

Mel grinned at Hudson. She raised her voice, as if to be heard over the silent cacophony inside each of us. “Who do you want to bite?”

My brother glanced between Mel and Nico, who stood closest to him. “No offense, but I’m not putting my lips on Nico.”

Nico chuckled, the rumble of it making my dick start to thicken despite the circumstances. “That means I have to bite you.”

I grabbed Mel’s hand, raising my wrist, offering it to her. “Ready?”

“Ready for anything,” she promised, looking across at Nico.

Then Nico held his wrist out to me, and I pulled it to my lips. “All at once?” I asked.

Hudson offered his wrist to Nico while pulling Mel’s wrist up to his mouth, getting ready.

“Now,” Mel said.

I sank my fangs into Nico’s wrist just as he pierced my brother’s wrist. Hudson simultaneously bit Mel’s wrist as she sank her fangs into mine.

The circle was complete.

We all groaned as the pleasure of the orgasmic bite washed over us. My dick expanded painfully in my pants, pulsing and emptying with what felt like explosive force.

My magic surged, feeling like it poured from my wrist into Mel’s mouth, but at the same time, it was instantly replenished by the blood I sucked from Nico. We drank and drank, the circle of magic roaring with power, the pleasure increasing to an intensity my body couldn’t handle any longer. I shuddered, but my fangs remained locked in the wrist before me, and a new awareness overwhelmed my senses.

The four of us were one, our blood shared as it flowed from each of us to the others… just as our magic flowed with it. I took and I gave, and our blood and our magic fused together, the boundaries between us disappearing completely.

I floated in endless pleasure, my body fading into the background, no longer important. What mattered now was the magic I bathed in, and I found myself in a pool with three others — my coven-mates. They were as bodiless as I was, and yet, somehow I recognized them.

Our magic mixed, washing over all of us — no, filling all of us. It felt joyful, as though it had finally been set free. I’d never imagined magic as a living thing before, but now I wondered if it was.

I took a heaving gasp of a breath, suddenly reconnecting with my body, the wrist dropping from my mouth as I fell forward on hands and knees. Tempest stood in front of me, and I realized she’d done something to help. Something that brought Mel back, and when Mel had stopped drinking from me, the circle broke. It caused a chain reaction, bringing me back as well.

When I recovered my wits, I sat back and blinked. Mel’s hands flickered with… flame? That couldn’t be right.

“Try it,” she said with a grin.

Hudson was the next to raise his hands, and to my surprise, it wasn’t flame that appeared between them but a stone. He tossed it at Nico, who caught it and then crumbled it into his fist with a surge of lightning.