Page 66 of Hell to Slay

When Mel passed out, it scared all of us nearly to death. Or at least me, anyway.

“Did we drink too much?” I asked as Hudson gathered her into his arms.

Nico sat up and checked her pulse. I amped up my senses, straining for any sound that might be out of place. But her heart pumped steadily, and her breathing seemed normal. I could hear the blood surging through her veins, and it didn’t sound any different than normal, but would I really notice?

Then Nico chuckled. “We knocked her out.”

“But she should be fine,” Hudson added.

I couldn’t believe the two of them weren’t freaking out about this. Hudson got a damp cloth and began wiping her down.

“Are you seriously doing that with her unconscious?” I demanded.

“I think she’ll appreciate not waking up sticky,” Hudson said.

“Don’t worry, I already cleaned her up,” Nico smirked. Then his smile dropped as he looked over at me. “If she were in actual danger, I’d be the first one to lose my shit.”

The fact that he wasn’t seemed impressive to me. After all, he’d always been the one worried about breaking our coven-bonds or frenzying when she was in danger. Maybe that should reassure me, but it didn’t.

“Should we take her to Rye? See if she needs to be healed?”

Hudson’s lips curled up. “And tell the Wildes coven… what, exactly?” He waved me off. “Rye and Fox infused the sigils of her bed with healing properties. This is the best place for her to rest and recover.”

When she didn’t immediately wake up, we took turns staying with her as she slept off the effects of three bites at once. It made me feel bad about even suggesting it. I just thought it would make her come really hard. I hadn’t expected her to pass out.

Hudson and Nico let me stay with her first. Then eventually my brother came in and asked me to make some food.

“She’ll be ravenous when she wakes up,” he pointed out.

I grumbled, getting up and letting him take my spot. He knew just what to say to get me up and moving. In the kitchen, I took stock of all the ingredients Hudson had brought home. Then I began whipping up a French toast breakfast casserole that I could easily reheat later, hoping at any moment that I might hear Mel wake up. I kept my hearing turned up just in case, so I heard it when Hudson and Nico changed places.

I put the casserole in the oven with a timer and went back into Mel’s room. Nico looked so cute snuggled up next to her that I almost didn’t want to disturb them. But he was facing the door, so he saw me when I came in.

“Are we okay?” he whispered, knowing I’d be able to hear.

His question shocked me to my core. I’d gotten so used to the Nico who abandoned me, who never returned my calls or messages, who fucked me just for fun. But that Nico was gone. Or maybe all of that had been a façade, a wall he’d put up to keep himself safe.

Somehow, Mel had gotten past that wall. Somehow, she’d pierced his defenses. Somehow, she’d done what I could not.

And a petty part of me hated that.

But when I let myself look past who got credit and start imagining a future where I finally got to be with Nico like I’d always wanted? I almost couldn’t believe it.

The opportunity for all my dreams to come true was right in front of me, if I would just take it. I could finally be with the one who got awayandthe woman who made it work out for us all. The woman we both loved.

To be honest though… “I’m getting there,” I admitted.

Nico gestured for me to get in bed and held up the sheet so I could slide in on the other side of Mel.

“I told you I’m an idiot,” Nico whispered.

“It may just take me some time,” I replied, feeling awkward about having this conversation over top of Mel’s sleeping form. But I wanted to keep an eye on her, and this was a conversation that Nico and I needed to have.

“I get it.” Nico nodded. “I’ll spend every day making it up to you if I have to.”

“Orgasms don’t fix everything, you know?”

Nico’s rumbling chuckle had my dick swelling, as if it disagreed.