Page 59 of Hell to Slay

“You all said that,” I smirked. “We didn’t agree to anything.”

“Let me put it another way. You’re part of an all-vampire coven, and you yourself are a vampire now, which you revealed in front of everyone. If you go rogue…”

I sighed. “I’ll come in tomorrow evening and prove my loyalty once and for all.”

“Until tomorrow.” Demetri ended the call, and I stood up to stretch.

“Your goals remain on the distant horizon,”Tempest said.

“Unfortunate but true. The question is whether those two will die first, or whether we’ll take Ty down first. I’ve got my own shit to deal with, and I won’t let the DHA hold me back.”

Tempest made a sound of approval in my head, and that’s when I felt it. The feeling of someone watching me. I turned, looking toward the garage, but no one was there.

The presence didn’t feel dangerous, but rather… comforting.

“Mamá? Are you here?”

I walked closer to the garage, but didn’t see even the faintest hint of a spirit manifesting in the air. Maybe she wasn’t strong enough to reappear to me yet. She might not be able to return until Samhain.

“I know you can hear me.” I straightened my shoulders. “And I promise you that I will take Ty down for hurting you.”

I hated to think of all the years she must’ve been trapped in that pit, but my sorrows would only torture my mother more. She didn’t want to see me sad. But I had a feeling we both wanted to see Ty punished. By becoming the devil’s host, he was responsible for so many deaths, and so much suffering.

“His time is coming,” I promised.

Just then I heard the sound of a vehicle approaching and looked up to see Hudson returning in the AV. He popped out and said, “Oh good, you can help me bring everything in.”

I perked up my ears, listening to the sound of Nico and Jax’s pounding heartbeats.

“We… may want to wait a few minutes.” I grinned.

“Oh?” Hudson tilted his head, then grinned. “Finally.”

“They still have some shit to work out,” I admitted. “But they’ve made good headway while you were gone.”

“Is that so?” Hudson rushed toward me, the wind from his sudden stop causing my hair to flutter behind me. He pulled me against him, hips to hips. “You saw it for yourself, I bet.”

“Oh, I did more than just see,” I traced a finger down Hudson’s chest. “And I’m looking forward to a repeat… with the whole coven.”

He lowered his head and kissed me, deep and full of longing. When he pulled back, I saw the unmistakable heat in his eyes. “I’m shocked they let you out of their sight.”

“We had paused for breakfast… and then I got a call.” I raised my eyebrows, wondering if the OIB might have called him.

“I’ve not heard anything yet,” Hudson said slowly. “Was it big news?”

I hummed. “Maybe the DHA is keeping it under wraps and hasn’t told the OIB yet… I didn’t think to ask.”

Hudson’s eyes widened. “Then it is big news.”

“La Cora and Cyrene escaped.”

Hudson stepped away so he could punch the air. “How, when there were OIB agents watching too?”

“I’m not sure about that, but…” I told him everything I’d heard from Demetri.

Hudson sighed. “Perhaps when you go in tomorrow evening for your swearing in, we’ll get some better news.”

“Let’s hope so.”