“Tempest! I’m so glad you’re okay.” I remembered how Ty’s boot had pinned her to the charred ground. “Thank you for trying to help me.”
“For all the good it did.”
“You can’t blame yourself for that. He’s powerful.”
Rye tilted his head. “She… talks to you?”
I glanced at Tempest, who somehow seemed more substantial than before, her small body more solid and less… molten. “How is this possible? And… you can make it to the wall now? You couldn’t come this far before.”
“Your need called me to you. Your blood strengthens our connection. Now you finally hear me.”I sensed the exasperation through our bond, amusing me despite the circumstances.
I was still reeling with everything that had happened, but I explained, “Drinking my blood gave her the ability to talk to me.”
“Huh.” Jax stared at the fox-like demon. “I guess it makes sense. She definitely seemed to understand me and Hudson when she led us to you the first time.”
“Back to the matter at hand.” Hudson faced me. “We need you to tell us everything that happened, killer.”
“Let’s get out of here,” Fox said. “Who knows if Ty might come back? We can get intel from Mel on the way.”
“And then she should rest,” Rye fixed me with what I thought of as his ‘healer’s stare.’
I’d gotten used to it after various missions over the years. Rye always healed my injuries when I asked, but was also quick to remind me that rest and good food were the only ways to recharge my depleted magic.
“Good idea,” Nimue interlaced her fingers in his and headed for the stairs down the outside of the wall, back toward the park. “We’ll have to request some blood bags from the OIB.”
“It would be good to be topped up on magic before we go back into the infernal realm,” Hudson agreed, gesturing for me to follow them down.
I smiled at him, glad he was on the same page. Nico followed along behind me as though afraid to let me out of his sight. Jax wasn’t far behind. And at my side, Tempest joined us.
“He’ll pay for this, huntress,” Nico’s low voice sent shivers down my spine.
“I know,” I said. “I’ll make sure of it.”
Ty was powerful, and the devil riding him wanted me for his next host. But they’d made the mistake of showing themselves to me. Between our two covens, I knew we’d figure out how to fight back. Together, we would defeat the devil himself.
But first I needed to learn to master myself… because the heartbeats surrounding me were too much of a temptation.
I glanced over at Nico, remembering he’d been turned more recently than the twins. Having experienced the bloodcrazed frenzy for myself now, I could understand why Nico and Jax both still beat themselves up for killing during the frenzy. It had felt like I was watching the world through someone — something — else’s eyes.
Nico caught my eyes on him and stopped in his tracks, letting me and the others descend the stairs ahead of him. When I glanced back to make sure he was still following us to the vehicles, he didn’t meet my gaze. I’d been so focused on my own frenzy, I’d forgotten to question what had brought on his.
The last time he’d gone into the frenzy, it had been inside the infernal realm. Nico had later asked us to ‘put him down’ if he ever failed to come out of the frenzy. He feared he might lose control if our bonds ever broke, and I’d promised that we’d do whatever it took to make sure that didn’t happen.
And then I’d gotten turned.
As much as I feared losing control over my new appetite, Nico had an even greater cause for concern. Our shared glance told me that — now more than ever — Nico didn’t trust himself around us.
Chapter Three
We were out of options, and all Hudson and I could do was step aside as the two bloodcrazed vampires came together like magnets between us. Where I’d once hoped that seeing Mel would break Nico’s frenzy, I now had no choice but to hope Nico could somehow also break hers. I had to hope that — even in his current state — he wouldn’t hurt the object of his frenzy.
It didn’t occur to me to fear the opposite until Mel climbed Nico’s body like a bobcat climbing a tree. She sank her fangs into Nico’s neck, and my heart jumped into my throat.
Nico’s whole body stiffened as her orgasmic bite sent him into ecstasy. I couldn’t see his eyes to know whether or not her bite had broken his frenzy, but he also sank his fangs into her throat. She let out a mewling cry of pleasure as she climaxed in his arms, her thighs tightening around his body.
Seeing the two of them drinking from each other, Mel’s arms around Nico’s neck, her legs around his waist… Their lover’s embrace felt too intimate, definitely not something I should be witnessing in public. Especially with Mel’s mentor and friends standing nearby.