Page 33 of Hell to Slay

“We’ll see about that,” Hudson said, and I felt the air itself move around me.

Instinctively, I raised my left fist, blocking his arm against my forearm.

“Good,” Hudson said. He circled me, and I turned to face him.

This time I heard one foot barely scuff across the ground, and I brought my forearms down to block his kick.

“Keep it up, Mel,” Jax called. “He’s going to go faster now.”

I suddenly realized that, this close, it wasn’t just his heartbeat I was hearing, but the sound of his blood rushing through his veins. I knew where his limbs were going, even without being able to see them.

Suddenly, the heartbeat to my right got closer, and I ducked just in time to dodge Jax’s hook. I countered with a punch at his solar plexus, which I pulled up short.

He laughed in surprise and delight. “Nice one.”

We practiced for a few more minutes, and Nico also tried to sneak up on me to no avail. Then I took the blindfold off and grinned at the three of them.

I winked. “We should play with blindfolds more often.”

“Ready to crack some demon skulls?” Nico asked. I noticed he stood some distance from Jax, but at least they weren’t arguing anymore.

“Ask my other sensei,” I joked, turning to the twins.

“You did well,” Jax said with a proud nod.

“The student… hasnotbecome the master,” his brother laughed. “But you’re on your way.”

“Good,” I said, my mirth dissipating as I thought about what was to come. “Then let’s go get ready to hunt down a devil.”

Nico cracked his knuckles. “And kick some demonic ass.”

“I’ll lead the way,”Tempest promised.

Chapter Twelve


After a good night’s rest, we followed the rest of the plan Hudson had laid out by arming ourselves and packing as much food, water, and bloodbags as we could carry on our backs. Later in the day, I found myself alone with Jax, and I gave him a giant hug.

“I’m sorry you and Nico haven’t sorted things out yet,” I said.

“We have, actually,” Jax continued to organize his bag, not meeting my eyes. “I’m strong enough to love you and let Nico love you without coming between you.”

I sighed. “Things will get better, Jax, you’ll see.”

“Mel?” Hudson called. “Time for your shot.”

When I came into the kitchen, he was waiting with a syringe. With a grin, I bent over the counter and mooned him and Nico so Hudson could give me my first ever appetite suppressant. It was no worse than any other shot I’d gotten.

“This should keep you clear-headed when you face Ty,” Hudson said. “You won’t have to fight off the urge to frenzy.”

“Am I supposed to feel… different?” I pulled my pants back up.

“I never do,” Hudson said.

“Okay. So we have no idea if these actually work?”

“They work,” Nico grunted, his arms crossed. “To a degree.”