Page 12 of Hell to Slay

Then I pulled back, my eyes wide. “Does this mean no more 69s?”

Hudson’s hearty chuckle warmed my soul, even though I hated the thought of not being able to do some of the things we’d done before.

“We’ll figure it out,” he said, kissing the tip of my nose. As he spoke, I noticed his fangs. “Remember that vampires heal faster than witches, so… there’s no need to worry about hurting us.”

“As long as we have enough magic, you mean.” I remembered all-too-well how badly things had gone once our shared reservoir ran out, forcing me to heal Nico with my blood so we could survive.

Nico… another problem I’d like a distraction from.

A warm body pressed against me from behind, enveloping me in a twin sandwich. Jax’s warm lips kissed the juncture between my neck and shoulder, making me long for his bite.

“And for every type of fun we may have lost,” Jax whispered against my skin, “we will have gained two more.”

I turned to face him, not sure what he meant.

“Vampires are stronger, as are our senses,” he reminded me. “And I can heighten your senses even more, if you’ll let me.”

I nodded, mesmerized by Jax’s fangs, trying to imagine how sex might be different… and getting turned on at the thought.

Jax hooked his fingertips under the hem of my shirt. He and Hudson slowly disrobed me, kissing my skin along the way.

“Let’s take a shower first.” I wrinkled my nose. “I still smell the soot from the threshold.”

“Anything you want,” Jax murmured as he quickly shucked off his own clothes.

I pulled off all my necklaces, leaving my throat bare in case either of them wanted a nibble.

The shower was tight with the three of us in there, but the twins did their best to keep me between them. They slowly seduced me by rubbing soap over every inch of my body, working shampoo into my hair, and massaging my scalp. If it weren’t for two distracting dicks that kept poking me from both sides, I might have asked for them to tuck me in for the night and let me sleep… for only half the night, apparently.

Jax frowned at the look on my face, sensing my sudden distress. Hudson pushed me back against the shower wall, and the cold tile made me gasp. Jackson stepped back as Hudson kneeled down and hooked one of my legs over his shoulder.

“How about that distraction?” Hudson asked, his breath teasing between my thighs. He reached up and spread me further, and when his tongue connected with my clit, I let out a surprised cry that dissolved into a blissful moan as he circled me exactly how I liked it.

Jax stroked along the leg that was propped on Hudson and gave me a good look as he stroked himself. He grinned at me as my eyes devoured him.

My hands sought purchase on the shower stall walls as Hudson inserted two fingers. The sudden stretch emptied every thought from my mind.

Jax chuckled. “Oh, she likes that.”

Hudson didn’t draw it out, instead using my newly heightened senses to drag me to the edge with a few simple, expert strokes of his fingers. His greedy tongue had me crying out only moments later. One more look at Jax’s naked body, hard and ready for me, sent me completely over the edge.

My legs trembled, one holding my weight while the other remained hooked over Hudson’s shoulder. My body tensed as the orgasm washed over me in a position I wasn’t used to coming in.

Hudson stood up, and Jackson danced back when his dick came all-too-close to touching his brother. “Watch it.”

The two of them had come a long way since the first time they’d tried a threesome together for me.

Hudson washed off his face. “Beat that, brother.”

“Oh, yes.” Jax grinned at me. “We have a score to settle.”

I still had both arms braced against the walls as I caught my breath, but Jax pulled me to him, throwing me over his shoulder as he stepped out of the shower. I laughed and cried out, and someone’s hand clapped my bottom.

Jax set me down on the plush bath mat and began drying me off. It felt good to be the focus of their attention… one brother got me off while the other cared for me in his own way. Jax carefully dried my hair, doing his best not to tangle it as I came back down to earth.

He kissed the corner of my mouth. “You look properly blissed out, kitten.”

“But I’m ready for more,” I assured him.