Page 11 of Hell to Slay

Ty had tortured my mother, turned me into a vampire, and gotten countless demon hunters killed in the past five years as he played host to a devil. The very devil responsible for opening and expanding the portal, if I could trust his words.

I wanted so badly to go hunting, but Ty had some serious advantages. And the infernal realm was his home turf now… even if we went in after him, there was no guarantee we’d find him.

At least now I didn’t need the infernal antidote to go in after him. But that was exactly why he’d turned me… to make me a better potential host.

Vampires were victims — and I hated being the victim. I refused to let this go any farther. If Andras wanted a new host, he would be in for a rude awakening if he tried to take over my body.

But right now, all we could do was wait. Wait for bloodbags, wait for news from Nimue. I hated it. It gave me too much time inside my own head.

“Penny for your thoughts?” Jax said, sitting down beside me on the couch.

I scooted over to make room for him and ran my hand over Tempest’s spikes, careful not to touch the tips. She was curled up like a cat at the corner of the couch, her flames banked so she didn’t singe the upholstery. She seemed less fiery now that we were farther from the threshold.

“You’d need more than a penny for all my thoughts,” I said softly.

Jax leaned in and kissed my cheek. “I was terrified for you, kitten. More terrified than I’ve ever been of… well, anything.”

I faced him, my eyebrows shooting up. “Even when you were turned?”

He nodded. “Because honestly… I was terrified that…” His eyes darted to my lips as his tongue slid along his own. When his gaze locked onto mine, I sensed his determination. “I was afraid I’d never get to tell you that I love you.”

Joy suffused my body as I launched myself into his arms. I kissed him over and over, his lips, his cheeks, his forehead, his eyes. I couldn’t believe this kind, wonderful man loved someone like me.

He laughed. “Does this mean…?”

I smiled, thinking of how to put all my feelings into words. Jax was the light in my life. He represented hope, optimism, and kindness. Having his love felt like a cherished gift. One I wanted to give to him, as well.

“I love you, too, Jax. I never thought I’d join a coven, but now I can’t imagine my life turning out any other way. I love you, and I only wish I’d met you sooner so we could have even more time together.”

He squeezed me tight, then looked down at Tempest. “It’s amazing she can finally leave the infernal realm.”

“It is, isn’t it?” I tilted my head down to look at the little hellfox, who gazed up at me. “Do you still have some kind of distance limit, do you think or…”

“Where you go, I follow,”she assured me.

“That’s good.”

Running my hand across her back, I thought about the strange turn my life had taken. First, I was a witch with a demon familiar. I’d become a vampire, and there was no going back.

Before, I’d wanted to prove that vampires weren’t the villains the DHA painted them as, mainly so I could redeem myself for all the unnecessary deaths I’d caused. But now, it was also self-preservation. We had to prove witches and vampires were on the same side, or else it would never be safe for vampires to live here, including us.

Which made the question of how far Tempest could travel away from the infernal realm rather pertinent. We might flee for our lives at any moment. Though I had some unfinished business I intended to take care of first.

Jax gave me a sad smile, as though he could read my mind. “I know you never imagined you’d become a vampire, Mel, but… if there’s anything I can do to make this easier for you, you know I would, right?”

“There is one thing I can think of,” I said, raising an eyebrow. “I’m tired of the pity party. I think I’d like a distraction, instead...” I rolled my hips on his lap as a hint.

“And that’s my cue…”Tempest said into my mind, her sinuous body sliding off the couch. She disappeared around the corner and down the hall. Her mental chuckle echoed to me after she was out of sight, proving she wasn’t upset.

“I’m happy to help distract you,” Jax murmured against my lips before kissing me. He ran his hand up my spine to the back of my head, holding me in place this time so I couldn’t pull back and kiss his cheeks and face like I had before. His tongue plundered mine, and I lost myself in the sensations of kissing this man who loved me so much — and who I loved just as much.

Jax pulled back, his eyes alive with joy… and then they darted over to something behind my shoulder. “I seem to remember we owed her a ‘next time,’ right, Hudson?”

I grinned, bouncing with excitement on Jax’s lap… until I felt my fangs extend. That gave me pause, and the smile on Jax’s face fell.

“I know it’ll take some getting used to…”

Strong arms hauled me off of Jax’s lap from behind, setting me on my feet and turning me around. Hudson pulled me to his chest. His lips met mine and his arms pulled me close. His tongue swiped my lips, and I instinctively opened my mouth, my tongue sliding past my fangs to tangle with his.