Page 10 of Hell to Slay

To my surprise, it was Hudson who agreed with me. “We’re eating into our six-month ceasefire every day we delay.”

The DHA had agreed not to kill any of the vampires they’d imprisoned for six months, giving us time to go into the infernal realm and back, since its time didn’t match with our world. We were supposed to find a way to close the portal. If we succeeded, then the DHA would release our fellow vamps. If we didn’t… well, we probably wouldn’t live to regret our failures.

Mel shook her head. “Nimue says we need to lay low for now. The DHA is in an uproar, and, as usual, those who never believed me about Ty in the first place certainly don’t believe me now. Still, they’re on high alert, and it might take her a couple of days to get us supplies.”

The uneasy way she ran her hands up and down her arms made me want to clutch her to me again. If I gave into the urge, I’d have her wrap her legs around me like she’d done on the wall… and then I’d give her a distraction she’d never forget, replacing her bloodlust with a better kind of lust.

“If you want another sip…” I said instead, tilting my head to the side.

Her pupils dilated for a moment before she regained control. “I’m not sure vampire blood is enough to satiate me right now.”

“No harm in trying.” I wasn’t sure why I was pushing her so hard.

“Desperate for another orgasm?” Jax crossed his arms and glared at me.

I wasn’t sure what I’d done to piss him off, unless you counted going into an uncontrolled frenzy and nearly getting him and his brother killed.

Yeah, I guess that might be it. But I’d already tried to apologize for that, and it had only annoyed him more.

Instead, I smirked. “Are you offering?”

“I’ll stand first watch.” Hudson studied me. “That’ll give you three the chance to… uh, reassure yourselves that you’re all okay.”

I hadn’t even realized it was evening.

The thought of confronting my roiling emotions for both Mel and Jax right now filled me with pure, unfiltered dread. I practically launched myself back out the door.

“No, allow me.” Words flowed past my lips as I tried to justify myself. “It’s the least I can do after all the trouble I caused you both. I’ll just… be outside.”

Mel frowned, Jax’s eyes narrowed, and Hudson shook his head, but I went anyway.

I desperately ran from my thoughts, circling the house as the sun set. I’d talked the DHA into letting us go back into the infernal realm based on nothing more than a rumor I’d once heard about a devil. Then Mel discovered that story was the truth… assuming we could trust the words of the devil himself, but I wasn’t sure we could.

Maybe we’d have to torture the truth out of Ty before we put him out of his misery. With Mel at my side, it would be so very worth it.

From outside, I could hear all three of their heartbeats. I knew the moment Mel’s heartrate picked up, and it wasn’t long before I could hear her moaning.

I’d never felt more jealous of what they had than in that moment. But I’d been proven right about the frenzy, and nothing terrified me more than the thought of killing one of my coven-mates.

Hudson and Jax hadn’t lost control with Mel in danger. Only I had. Because I was the only one who’d murdered multiple people, draining them dry and stealing their life force, boosting my magic until it was impossible to control anymore.

It was imperative that I distance myself from them before I did something we all regretted.

Except, since we’d said our vows and officially become the Salvos coven at Lughnasa, I’d have to wait all the way until Beltane before I could officially request separation and take a new surname.

Only then would the bonds between us as coven-mates be safely broken. Until then, I would do everything in my power to help Mel learn how to live with herself as a vampire. I would protect my coven-mates in the infernal realm and bring them out safely… just as soon as Mel and I murdered her old flame.

In the meantime, I needed to keep a lid on my barely contained magic, for all our sakes. Under no circumstances could I let my feelings reign, or else I risked unleashing a monster. Again.

Chapter Five


I was a vampire. And I didn’t entirely hate it. And that fact was what actually frustrated me.

The more I turned over everything I’d learned about vampires in my mind, the more my frustrations eased.

Vampires could do good or do evil, just as humans could. Yes, a group of vamps had killed my mother… but now I wasn’t so sure it had been intentional. And they may have killed my mother, but they weren’t the ones torturing her in the afterlife.