Will You Wait?


My nanna is so slick.When I asked her about the basket of food she placed in the trunk of her car, she told me she wanted to feed a few friends. I thought nothing of it and shrugged it off.

I had no idea she was packing a meal for me and Trev to share in her old place. I thought she sold this place. Now, as Trev and I move around the kitchen to warm up our dinner, I’m so grateful she didn’t.

“So she knew about the engagement too?”

“I’m guessing so. She said this was going to be her wedding gift to them,” Trevor replies. He pauses for a moment. “Are you okay with being here?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I think Pook would have been okay with it too.”

“This looks good, you want to sit in here?”

“Sure, we already have the candles lit in here,” I say and take the plate he’s handing me.

I wait for him to round the kitchen island and sit on the stool beside me. We both dig in with the silverware Nanna packed inside the basket for us.

We release moans at the same time. Once again, Nanna is just showing off. She put her foot in this.

“Oh my God, how is it still so crispy?” Trevor groans as he chews on a piece of chicken.

“I know, right? And this mac and cheese. I don’t know if I’ll ever make it like this.”

“You do and you’re gonna have one fat husband. I can’t wait.”

I place my fork down. “Trev, we should talk.”

He takes a bite of his corn bread and a fork of greens then nods at the food. As if my words register once he’s done chewing, he turns to look at me, a questioning look on his face.

“What do you want to talk about?”

I wipe my hands and face with my napkin and turn on my stool to face him. “Daddy is making me choose between you and everything I’ve been dreaming of. It could take more than a year before I’m able to do what I want with my love life.”

“And I’ll be right here. As long as it takes, I’ll be here,” he says emphatically.

“Are you sure about that?”

“Lynn, I’m not about to tell you to choose me over your music. That’s never going to happen. I’m not that selfish. I love you and I want to see you happy.

“There’s no reason you can’t have me and a career. Like walking, one step has to come before the other. I’m willing to be your next step.”

He sighs and reaches for my hand to take in his. With his other hand, he lifts my chin until I’m staring right into his eyes. They look so bright in the candlelight.

“Things with your daddy are going to take some time, but I’m willing to tough that out. When I say I love you, I mean it, Lynn. I love you and I will wait as long as it takes.”

“But it’s going to be so hard. He’s monitoring my calls. How will we communicate?”

He leans in and kisses my forehead. “We will figure it out. Get burner phones or something. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.”

I nod and turn back to my food. I want to believe his words, but my sister’s untimely demise keeps me from being able to hold on to his words with any real conviction. He places a warm hand on my back to rub it as he returns to eating.

I finish my own food and find myself humming as I do. This food is truly good for the soul. I’ll have to thank Nanna for everything.


As much asI want to let our conversation from earlier go, I can’t. Lynn still doesn’t get how much I love her. I’m willing to wait ten years for us to be together if necessary.