“Say something,” I say excitedly, bouncing in place.

“What do you want me to say?” he calls back.

“I don’t know. Repeat Romeo’s lines or come up with something of your own.”

Someone walks over to him and points, but Trev shakes his head. He frowns and looks down for a minute. When he lifts his head again, there’s a new determination in his eyes.

I grin because I can feel in my bones he’s going to say all the right things. We lock gazes and it’s like everything else. Everyone else fades away. It’s just me and the guy I love with all my heart.

“I won’t give you someone else’s words. You deserve your own. We have our own story, our own history, our own love and passion.

“What I will give you is a promise. My heart will always belong to you. As long as it beats in this body, it is yours.

“Know that I will be counting each day until I can go to your daddy and tell him I’m your man. Until then, know that I breathe for you and when you’re ready, my last name is waiting to be yours.”

Applause breaks out and I realize a small crowd has gathered to witness his words. My lips tremble and my cheeks are wet. I want to jump over this balcony into his arms.

However, not wanting our romance to end in a tragedy, I turn and run back down, forgetting about the rest of the tour. When I push back out into the open, Trev is right there waiting for me. I jump into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist.

I pour all my love for him into the kiss. He holds me tightly against him as he consumes my mouth. I’m almost desperate to get him somewhere where I can get his clothes off and show him with my body how deeply his words have affected me.

“Our date isn’t over. There’s more,” he says as if reading my mind.

I pout a little. “I love you. Your words couldn’t have been more perfect.”

“I love you too. Those came from my heart.”

“I know they did. That’s what makes them perfect. I couldn’t have written them better.”

“Now that, I’ll take as a compliment.”

I give him one last hard kiss before sliding down his body. He looks down at me and kisses my forehead. I wrap my arm around his waist. Then he tucks me into his side.

“Let’s go write Juliet a letter,” he croons.

I follow him happily, not able to wipe the smile from my face. This is the happiest I’ve ever been. I never want this feeling to end.


Gelateria Walk


This day has been magical.First, the home of Juliet, where we took pictures, wrote our letters and perused the little shop. Then we had lunch.

The pizza was out of this world and left me so full. We did some more sightseeing after that. Browsing the shops as I gushed over souvenirs I had to purchase.

I haven’t laughed and smiled this much in so long. I have songs playing in my head I can’t wait to get down. We rode the Funicular up to the viewing point at the top ofColle San Pietroto look out at the spectacular view.

Watching the sunset in Trevor’s arms was a moment I will always remember.

We even found a spot to bury some of Pook’s kissing coins. It felt like the right thing to do after tearing a page from her journal to write her name on at Juliet’s house to leave her mark thereas well this morning. This part of the trip is giving me so much peace.

“Let’s get some gelato and walk the bridge,” Trevor suggests as we walk hand in hand.

I glance up at him and smile. “Sounds good.”

Ponte Pietrais the bridge he’s talking about. As I look up at the Gelato shop, its named Gelateria Ponte Pietra, bringing a smile to my face.