Moon and Star


I can’t stop smilingas I stare down at Lynn fast asleep in her bed. All that talk and she passed out in my arms on the way back down to her room. I’m not mad. This works out perfectly because I know it would have been a struggle to deny her.

I brush her braids back from her face and lean in to kiss her forehead. Her daddy would kill me if he knew she was drinking. I glance at the time and do the calculations in my head.

I should be able to catch both our parents to check in before their bedtime. Not wanting to leave but also not wanting to wake Lynn, I move to the balcony of the suite to place my calls.

I pull out my phone once I’m outside and dial my parents first. My mind is heavy with so much I think it’s best I talk to my folks before reaching out to the Galvestons.


“Hey, Daddy. It’s Trev.”

“Hey, son. Brad just asked if I thought you would call before he went to bed. He’s gonna be so disappointed he missed you.”

“Man, I’ll have to call back when I wake up to catch him. I’m glad you answered. I need to talk.”

“Everything all right? How’s Cakes holding up? Is there anything we can do?”

“She’s doing better than I expected. I think this is good for her, for us.”

“Trev? When you say us, do you mean us as a couple? I’ve been hearing rumors about the two of you,” Daddy says cautiously.

“Shit,” I mutter away from the phone.

I should’ve known people would talk. I had hoped no one would say anything about me kissing Lynn at the lake. Most of those people are here on this trip, but there are a few of Lynn’s friends who are still back home.

I groan. “Yeah, Daddy, that’s how I mean it. It’s new, but I’ve been crazy about her for a while.”

“Trev, that’s my best friend’s baby girl. You’re a grown man. Lynn’s just becoming a woman. Does Moses know?”

I swallow hard. “No. That’s what I want to talk to you about. I sort of lied to keep Lynn out of trouble. She was with me the night of Brooke’s accident.”

“Darn it, Trev. You know good and darn well Moses never would’ve allowed that girl to go along with you if he knew. Hell, I wouldn’t have allowed it.”

“Daddy, I care about her. I’m not gonna do anything to hurt her.”

“Listen to me, son. Lynn has a bright future ahead of her with her music. I want to see you happy, but if that girl returns carrying my grandchild, it’s gonna break a friendship I’ve had all my life and ruin any shot she has of following that dream.

“Don’t tell her I said this, but he’s been talking about taking this opportunity away from her. Losing Brooke has been a huge blow. The man is hurting and looking for answers. Please don’t give him a reason to take this away from her,” he pleads.

“Daddy, Lynn was born to sing. Music is in her bones. I would never dream of doing anything to take that from her. Maybe I should tell him before we get back.”

“I would normally tell you that’s the best thing to do, but I think she needs this break more than anything. I know my friend. I know how he gets. If you tell him, he’s going to want her back home now.

“Be careful, Trev. Don’t do anything we haven’t raised you to do. You two have your entire lives before you. You have a football career and that girl’s gonna sing at the Super Bowl someday while you watch on in your Cowboys uniform,” he says proudly.

I don’t dare to tell him that the plan has changed. I do consider his words though. Telling Lynn’s daddy now would change everything.

“I love her. She’s the one. I could never do anything to harm her. I want to put my ring on her finger one day.”

He chuckles. “And here I always thought it would be Pook.”

“It was always Cliff for Pook. She and I had something else. We never felt that way about each other. She knew how I felt about Cakes.

“Talking to Pook always made me understand the man I want to be. Being with Cakes makes me him. My world makes sense with her in it.