Silence fills the small space and I’m left to my thoughts for a bit. Well, not really. I can feel his gaze on me. Those blue eyes are going to burn through my skin. That is, if his scent doesn’t drive me crazy first. Trev’s cologne has always made me weak in the knees.

He reaches for my chin with his fingertips. “Cakes,” he calls my nickname. “Let’s not make this awkward. You know how I feel about you. I understand why you’ve been pulling away, but…” He cuts off and searches my face.

I’m breathless until he continues. “Will you do me a favor?”

“Yes.” The word is out of my mouth before I can think better of it.

“Don’t shut me out. We’re here… together. I know you feel it too. We have an entire summer to be together to figure this all out. We can do both; be here for Pook and each other,” he says.

When did he get so close? His breath fans my mouth. I allow my tongue to creep out and wet my lips. Suddenly, the gloss doesn’t seem to be doing the job.

A small voice warns me that this is nothing but trouble. I don’t know what I’ll tell my daddy when I get back home. I already know if we do this, I won’t be able to ignore Trev once we return.

Then there’s the guilt. What am I to do with that? I don’t think it’s just going to go away.

“Trev, I?—”

Before I can get the sentence out, he crushes his lips to mine. I hesitate for the briefest moment before throwing my arms around his neck and shoving my hands into his hair. Trevor groans and moves a hand into my braids. He tugs my head back and deepens the kiss.

This isn’t like our other kisses. There’s so much passion and heat. Trev is devouring me, and I don’t know how to stop it. Scratch that; I don’t want to stop it, but I should.

My mind grows heavy with confusion. My heart is telling me to go with it. It feels like this is right, but it also feels wrong. My sister is gone because of me and this man.

No, she’s gone because of a drunk driver. Pook would want this for you. Don’t shut him out.

He moves his lips to my neck and places a soft kiss there. “I won’t lose you too,” he says next to my ear. “Say yes, say you’ll give us a try. We can make this time ours as much as we make it Brooke’s.”

His deep voice sends chills through me. When he kisses my neck once again while running a hand down my arm, I know I can’t fight this feeling all summer. I cup his face and brush my thumb over his cheek.

“Okay, all right, for the summer.”

He cups the back of my neck, bringing me to his lips for another toe-curling kiss. This is definitely a different side of Trevor. He was holding back a lot during our first kisses.

When he breaks the seal on our lips, he kisses my forehead and tosses an arm around my shoulders to tug me into him. I rest my head on his chest and wrap one of my arms around his waist.

“Now, this will make Pook happy. Europe with a real romance,” he says with a smile in his voice.

He’s right; Brooke couldn’t have planned this better herself. Makes me wonder if my sister is smiling down on us, guiding what happens next. That would be so like her.




“These are so good.I’m going to be so fat by the time we go home,” Lynn gushes as she takes another bite of her éclair.

I know I said I’d give her time, but once we were in the cab and I was surrounded by her sweet scent, I couldn’t stand being so close yet so far away. I’m glad I followed my instincts.

Lynn has a genuine smile on her face. She’s been talkative and has even told a joke or two. It almost feels normal.

“These are delicious. I don’t think you have anything to worry about with your weight though. You never gain weight,” I say.

Lynn sits back and crosses her arms over her chest. A small grin teases her lips. She scans me with her gaze.

“I gain plenty. Not everyone can stay as fit as you without work,” she says.

I scoff. “I work plenty for this body, darlin’ and I like your body the way it is. However, if you put on more curves, I’d be happy to hold those too.”