“You only have a few days to get ready. You know how your mama likes to shop. Make a decision, we’ll support it either way.”

“I’ll have an answer by morning, promise.”

“All I want is to see you fly, Lynn. If this returns your wings, I’m okay with it. The Monroes have seen us through a lot. It’s nice of Trev to look out for you like this.”

“Thanks, Daddy.”

“You’re welcome, baby girl.”


“Hey, Trev, you busy?”Brad pokes his head into my room and asks.

“Nope, I always have time for you. What’s up?”

“I was hoping you’d toss the ball with me. I want to work on my passes. It’s not all the time I have a wide receiver around,” he says excitedly.

“Sure, why not?”

I stand up and follow him out to the front yard, where we usually toss the skin around. I have to admit. Brad has gotten a lot taller since the last time I was home. The smile on his face right now is one of the reasons I’ve been wanting to come home.

The other reason comes running out of the house and takes a seat on the porch step. I turn to Ann and give her a wink. Her face lights up with pride like I’m the best big brother in the world.

I double back to kiss her on the forehead then turn to Brad and clap my hands. I can already see his form has gotten better. The kid is a natural.

“I’m going deep. Show me what you got,” I call and take off running.

The kid sends a dart my way. I catch it, but I’m surprised by the power behind the throw. Wanting to see if it was just luck, I toss it back to him.

“Again,” I say as he catches it.

I catch it again and have to shake my hand out. My chest swells with pride. I can’t wait to see him get drafted. He’s going to do big things in the football world.

We toss the ball around a bit more until Mama calls us all in for dinner. As Brad and Ann run inside to wash up, I stop and place my hands on my hips. I stand lost in thought, looking up at the sky.

“I’ll make it right, Pook. Just get her to go on this trip with me. After that, I’ll make everything right.”

“That means you too, Trev. Get on in here and wash up for dinner,” my mama calls, breaking into my thoughts.

“Yes, ma’am.”


Take Off


I’m doing this.I’m going to Paris. I’m also ready to throw up. I’ve never flown before.

I think I’m going to hyperventilate. We haven’t even boarded the plane and I think I’m going to freak out. My stomach turns and my palms start to pour sweat.

“Hey, Cakes. You all right?”

I look up into the hazel eyes of Cody. He stares back at me with a mixture of concern and sadness. He’s probably thinking I’m having a meltdown over my sister.

I’m still grieving her loss, but this has nothing to do with that. Our plane has pulled into the gate, and for some reason, the thought of getting on that thing is freaking me the heck out. I dart my gaze around at all my sister’s friends as they talk enthusiastically about the trip and the things they plan to do.

When I find Trevor, he’s at the desk. I close my eyes and remind myself that I’m not going to do more than be friends with him. It’s probably best if I don’t cry out for his help.