The truck flips a few times before settling. My head is pounding and my body feels like I was run over by the truck and crushed. I groan and one thing passes through my lips before I black out.

“Lynn, baby, I love you.”




A month later…

I’m moving franticallyaround my new condo, which the label helped me secure. This place is over the top. I still can’t believe it’s mine. Three bedrooms, three baths, a gym, and everything state of the art.

Things have been going so well. I’ve finished my first album and all the songs have been approved and locked in. All the artwork has been finalized as well.

My first single, the song I posted to Myspace is a hit and has been charting all month. Life would be great if not for the bomb that’s been dropped on me today.

All this time, I’ve thought Trev was ignoring my calls. I was under the impression he was radio silent because he didn’t want to talk to me. Boy, was I wrong.

Cody, Elise, and my family have kept Trevor’s accident from me for four whole weeks. I’ve been a mess since Maggie allowed it to slip this morning as we talked about her joining me here for a while.

I’ve been racing around to make arrangements to head back home since. Marv is frustrated. This isn’t really the time for me to take off.

He’s not happy, but he’s giving me a few days to handle this “family emergency.” I’ll take that. Hopefully, I’ll be back home tonight—if I can get the heck out of here.

I swipe my tears as I toss things into my suitcase. For a whole month, Trev has been in the hospital and I knew nothing. I’m so pissed at everyone. I know they mean well, but someone should have said something.

“Um, Cakes.” I look up at Elise and glare.

She’s been staying with me at my new place. If I didn’t love her, I would have asked her to leave this morning after I spoke with Maggie. She holds her hands up in surrender.

“This came for you. I thought you’d want to see it,” she says, handing over a letter.

I swipe under my nose angrily. Why couldn’t she do the same with the information about Trevor and his car accident? I mean, not one of them thought this was important enough for me to know.

I snatch the letter and my hands start to tremble as I see it’s from Trevor. I rush to pull the letter out of the envelope, my hands shaking in the process.

I scan the sheet of paper, dropping to my knees as I get to the end. I didn’t think I could feel any more pain and hurt than I already have in my life, but this, this is enough to cut me to my core.

“Oh, Cakes, what’s going on?”

I shake my head, unable to speak. I don’t have words for this. He promised me forever. What did I do so wrong? How could he break my heart like this?

Elise takes the letter from me and murmurs as she reads it aloud to herself.

“I’m sorry to do this, but I want to consider your feelings and be honest with you. This is never going to work. We’re not right for each other.

“I never meant to lead you on and give you false hope. I’ve known for a while this thing between us isn’t going anywhere. I tried to get that through to you.

“I probably should have sat you down and talked to you, but I don’t know if that would have done any good. So this is goodbye. Please accept my wishes. Don’t call, don’t text, don’t contact me anymore.

“I want to make this a clean break and think this should be our last encounter. I wish you well and hope you find what you’re looking for. Trevor,” Elise finishes reading.

“What the fuck?” she growls. “This reads like you two are fucking strangers. This doesn’t even make sense. He gets out of the hospital and this is the first shit he decides to write and send to you? Un-fucking-believable.”

I shake my head. “It’s okay. I’ll respect his wishes. I’m not going home after all.

“I’ll block his number and let my family know I don’t want to hear about him or know anything about his life.”