He wipes a hand across his forehead then looks toward the restrooms before hurriedly pulling out a small jewelry box. My heart leaps into my throat. Elise isn’t ready for…

“Oh, it’s earrings,” I say as I release a breath.

“You hate them.”

“No, no. Those are gorgeous. She’s going to love them. Do you plan to give them to her before you guys head back to New York?”

“I was thinking of giving them to her on the flight. My boss is sending his private jet for me. I want to impress her.”

Cody didn’t want to totally miss both Thanksgiving and Christmas with his family. He was able to get away for a few days, but he’ll have to return just before Christmas. Elise tagged along because she didn’t feel comfortable staying in the apartment alone, no matter how much Cody told her it was fine.

“You’re such a nice guy, Cody. I wish you guys all the best. Give them to her. I think she’ll love them.”


I nod. “Yeah.”

He leans across the table and pulls me into a hug. I give him a squeeze and pull away as I see Elise step from the bathroom and begin to make her way back to us.


I’ve beenin such a good mood since talking to Lynn earlier. I can’t wait until Saturday to see her. I’m not going to lie. I hope I get to pull her aside to kiss her lips and hold her in my arms, if even for a single moment.

“You’re walking like your ass is on fire,” I tease Tom.

“It’s the holidays. The bar will be filled with girls who aren’t from around here. I want to get there before all the prime choices are snatched up,” he replies.

I shake my head and Cliff scoffs on my other side. Tom has been single for a while. I can’t begrudge him for wanting to hook up. Hell, I haven’t had sex since the last time I was with Lynn at the house.

If I can get her to myself, I plan to make up for lost time. A smile comes to my face as I think of the sounds she makes in the throes of passion. I can’t wait to look deep into her eyes as I thrust into her.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” I bite out as I stop in my tracks before the restaurant we’re walking past.

The smile falls from my face and my nostrils flare. I would never lie to Lynn like this. I had truly wanted to see her and spend time with her—I guess that was just me.

“What? What just happened?” Tom asks, placing a hand on my forearm.

“She lied to me. She said she had plans with friends.” I point through the window. “That’s not plans with friends. That’s dinner with fucking Cody Billings. What the fuck?” I snarl.

I’m looking at her sitting in a fancy restaurant at a table with Cody. I can’t believe my eyes. Hurt doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel.

“Trev, I’m sure there’s a logical explanation for this. Calm down,” Cliff says.

Cliff’s words are lost on me as I watch Billings pull out a small jewelry box and open it, facing Lynn. She stares for a moment. I wait with bated breath for her reaction.

Then she nods her head. Billings leans in to pull her into his embrace.

“Whoa, hold on now. You back away from this window. We don’t need a repeat of what happened in Paris,” Tom says, pulling me away from it.

I spin on my heels and storm off in the direction of the bar we were heading to. My fists are clenched at my sides to keep me from turning around and beating the shit out of Billings. Did he wait for my girl to get to New York to steal her from me?

What the hell is Lynn thinking? I love that woman with everything I am. How could she do this?

“Trev, I don’t believe that was what you think.”

“I should go back there and find out,” I bite out.

“Aw, hell naw. I’m not bailing your ass out of jail tonight. I want to go to this bar and have a good time. Let’s have a beer. You can calm down. Then tomorrow, we’ll find out what all that’s about,” Tom says.