His face lights up. “Oh, what are you guys doing tomorrow? I would love to introduce you to a few of my classmates. I mean, they’re nothing like our circle back home, but I think they’re pretty cool.”

“I’m down if Elise is.”

Cody looks at Elise hopefully. I shrug to let her know I’m okay with it. In all honesty, I’ve been miserable.

I’ve thought about returning home and starting something else. If not for Elise and Maggie, I would have. They have been my support system, just as they promised.

“I mean, I’m cool with that. I know you could use someone to get your mind off Trevor.”

“Elise,” I hiss.

“You and Monroe broke up?” Cody asks, turning from Elise to scan my face with his eyes. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. It’s complicated. I don’t know where things stand. We haven’t spoken,” I murmur.

“My offer still stands if you need someone to talk to. Are you guys heading back home for the holidays?”

“Ugh, unfortunately, that’s the plan. That’s the last place I want to be right now.”

Cody rubs the back of his neck. “I have to stick around here until the last minute. I’m not sure I’ll even make it back intime for Thanksgiving. Which sucks because all my friends are heading out.”

“I’m only going back because Cakes is going home. If I had a place of my own to stay here, I’d hide until the New Year.”

“Really?” Cody says with a bit of excitement that I catch before he reins it in and clears his throat.

I look between the two, wondering if Elise gets that Cody is totally crushing on her. They would make such a gorgeous couple. His next words confirm my suspicions.

“My roommate won’t be needing his room until the New Year. You’re more than welcome to come stay with me. That is if you don’t mind sharing an apartment with me for a few weeks,” he says with a deep-red blush.

“How much?” Elise chirps.

Cody shakes his head. “It’s my Christmas gift to you. No charge at all. It’s better than being alone.”

“Okey dokey, we’ll swing by so I can take a look at the space tomorrow and then I’ll let you know,” Elise says.

“Cool, I’ll invite everyone over for drinks. You can see the place and meet my friends. This is great. It feels good to have someone from home around.”

“Yeah, I guess having you guys around does make me feel a lot better,” I say.

“Maybe taking the job I was just offered won’t be so bad,” Cody croons with a slight smile.

“You were offered a job?” Elise and I squeal in unison.

“Yeah, six figures,” he replies and scratches the back of his neck.

“What’s stopping you?” Elise asks.

“I still have a year to go of school and New York would have to become my home base. I’m already so darn homesick. I’m also not sure if this is the direction I want to go in.”

“New York looks good on you though,” Elise says and bites her lip.

She then glances at me and her slight smile falls. I lift a brow at her, but she shakes her head at me. Right then our waitress arrives.

Um. Interesting.

