He snaps his hips into me harder and stills. My face heats as I feel him spill his seed into the condom. I wipe the sweat from his face.

He kisses me hard. “Let me catch my breath and I’ll go get some more condoms,” he murmurs.

“Do we need them? I trust you. You know you’re the only person I’ve ever been with.”

He kisses me hard. “I wouldn’t be any kind of real man if I take you without one. I’m clean, but STDs are only one reason for condoms.

“You get pregnant, we’ll have a lot more than your daddy to worry about. We’re not there yet.”

I nod. “You’re right. I just wanted to feel you.”

“You will feel me one day. I promise you that,” he says in this sexy tone that makes my sex squeeze around him.

He groans and moves to stand up, holding his hand out for mine. I place my hand in his, savoring the warmth that travels between us.

He tugs me up and leads me into the bedroom, where we make love for the rest of the night. I say make love because he holds my gaze the entire time. Not once am I able to question his love for me.


Wild Heart


So far,Puglia has been as enchanting as Verona. Once again, Trevor took me out to a romantic dinner.Grotta Palazzesewas a breathtaking cave restaurant. The food was okay, but the view and ambience were the real prizes.

We arrived early morning and spent the day exploring before heading to the vineyard we’d be staying at for the rest of our trip. Trevor had our luggage sent ahead so we could enjoy the day. The heat was the only thing that took away from the magic of our exploring.

Trev’s face remained flushed most of the afternoon. That didn’t keep the smile from his lips though. I get this feeling he’s up to something. Puglia isn’t a random choice to end our trip.

Although the views, the beaches, the caves—all kept me on sensory overload. I couldn’t have chosen a better location to endthis trip. Trevor made spending time in the turquoise water a magical experience.

By the time we made it to the vineyard, I was too exhausted to fully digest that we wouldn’t be sharing a room. It wasn’t until I woke alone in the middle of the night that I began to ache with longing to have Trev by my side with his strong arms around me.

“Good morning,” Trev says when he lifts his head as I enter the dining room.

I give him a smile. “Good morning.”

The two young children of our host wave at me with beaming smiles on their faces. They’re adorable with their dark hair and light-brown eyes. The family doesn’t speak much English, from what I gathered last night.

Trev stands and pulls out the chair beside him. I round the table and sit as he pushes my chair in. I look up at him and smile. He dips his head to peck my lips.

The food smells delicious. My mouth waters and my stomach growls. Matteo says something in Italian, causing Trev to smile and laugh. I look at Trev questioningly as he retakes his seat.

“He said he can see why I’m in love with you. You’re a beautiful young woman,” he translates and leans in to kiss my temple.

“Grazie,” I say with a blush.

Matteo gives me a smile and points at the food for me to eat. Trevor picks up my plate and loads it with pancakes, sausage, and fresh fruit. After I pour some syrup over it, I dig in.

A moan slips from my mouth. It tastes so good, fresh and flavorful. The syrup is amazing.

“You have to try the jam,” Trev says.

He slathers some on a biscuit and holds it up to my lips. I bite into it and my eyes widen. It’s almost as good as my nanna’s jam. I nod my head and cover my mouth.

“So good.”

“Told you.”