I tilt my head to the side. “Thinking about what?”

He looks at me, holding back a laugh. I groan because I know whatever he says next means he’s goofed up the cupcakes and because I think it’s so darn sweet that he’s doing this, I’m not going to tell him if he has.

“If I put the right measurement of flour and sugar in.”

I burst into more laughter and go to wrap my arms around his waist as he leans over the counter. I press my face against his back and breathe him in as I give his waist a squeeze.

“It’s the thought that counts. Dinner smells delicious, by the way.”

He stands up straight and turns in my embrace. I press my face to his chest and bask in his strength, warm scent, and love. We’re both silent for a moment.

I sigh and snuggle in deeper. “Trev?”

“Yeah, darlin’?”

“Thank you,” I choke out.

I want to tell him what all I’m thanking him for, but my emotions take over and I’m unable to get it out. Instead, I allow him to hold me tight, feeling that somehow, he knows.

We stand like that for a bit before I pull away and go to finally take a shower. During my shower, I can’t keep my mind from replaying this entire trip.

Surprisingly, I don’t see it from a place of sorrow. If you remove the bar fight and my mistake with my father, I can see the healing that has taken place. That block I felt in my music is completely gone.

The hole in my heart doesn’t feel as raw. Oh, I’m not going to say it isn’t there, but it doesn’t feel like I’m going to bleed out all over the place anymore. Instead, I feel like I need to be whole so I can do all the things my sister would want me to do.

“I’m mending, Pook. I promise,” I whisper to myself while in the shower.

In that moment, it feels like the warm water begins to wash all the pain, the hurt, and the void away. I watch the water go down the drain and feel a release come over me.

I don’t know if this will last once I return to Texas, but for now, I feel free. I want to laugh, I want to sing, I want to run barefoot through the grass as the sun beats down on my face.

I step from the shower with another song in my heart. Throwing on a tank top and some shorts, I then make a beeline for my guitar and notebook. Trev comes to take a seat on the floor with a smile on his face as he listens quietly to me work my way through the song.

Several times, I’ve found myself thinking this could be our life. Me writing music and Trev pouring his presence into me, fueling my words and the bright colors in my head that have come back so vividly. More vibrant and lively than ever.


I hadto reheat dinner because I refused to interrupt Lynn from her music. The smile on her face as she played and wrote made my chest fill with pride. She’s amazing.

That light has returned to her eyes today. This is the Lynn I know. This is the girl I’ve always loved.

Her laughter rings out like music as we sit on the living room floor around the coffee table. She just bit into one of my sorry attempts at these cupcakes.

“You were gonna lie to me to save my feelings, weren’t you?” I chuckle.

She nods. “Lord knows I was gonna try.” She laughs. “Where’s the sugar, honey?” she says with that sweet Texas twang of hers.

“Come on now. They can’t be that bad.”

I pick one up and take a bite of it. Immediately, I pull a face. It tastes horrible, like dry cement and flour. I drop the uneaten cupcake and spit what’s in my mouth out into a napkin.

Lynn’s laughing so hard at me she falls over onto her side. My feelings aren’t even hurt as I watch the happiness on her face. I’d ruin a hundred dozen more batches just to see this look.

When she somewhat composes herself, she sits up, wiping tears from her eyes. I can tell she’s fighting hard to hold the rest of her mirth in. I shake my head as I let out my own laughter.

“I think I used the flour instead of the sugar,” I say sheepishly.

She nods and gives me a sad face. “I think you did too. Don’t worry, I’ll make us some we can eat. You still have more ingredients?”