With her braids piled high on her head and her scarf wrapped around them, her neck is completely exposed to me. I have an unobstructed view of her perfect tits and sexy neck.

I dip my head and take her breast into my mouth, wanting to drag her orgasm out as she clenches around me. I groan around her tightened peak as I come deep inside her, spilling into the barrier between us.

At that moment, I vow that this is the mother of my children. Someday, there will be nothing between us but love. I stroke her back gently as I kiss her face and then press my lips to hers.

“I love you,” I whisper against her soft, full lips.

“I love you too,” she says sleepily.




I sitin the living area, strumming my guitar as the music fills me and spills from my lips and fingers. My heart feels so light. We decided to stay in today.

I woke with music dancing inside me and went straight for my guitar. When Trev woke and found me writing, he said we didn’t have to go anywhere. Then he left me to my writing.

I’ve been at it for hours. I only stopped to eat the sandwich Trevor made for me. While I ate, he called his parents.

I love Vernon and Gloria. They are so much cooler than my parents—well, my daddy, at least. They are so laid back.

After lunch, I got back to the music. Trev mentioned he needed to step out. I honestly don’t know how long ago that was.

It’s not until this moment, when I lift my head as I hear him return, that I realize he’s been gone for a while. I furrow my brows and look over at the clock.

I begin to chew my lip as I draw my brows in deeper, feeling bad for getting so lost in my music. Trev comes and drops a kiss on my lips as he searches my face.

“What’s the matter?” he asks.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to get lost all day. Look at the time. I haven’t even bathed and gotten dressed.”

He cups my face and kisses me again. “And you still smell amazing. Relax, it all sounds great. Keep going. No one is going to disturb you.”

“I should at least get up and shower.”

He snickers. “If that’s what you want. Believe me, I’ve seen and smelled worse in morning classes.”

“Seriously?” I laugh.

“Seriously, darlin’. You sit your cute ass right there and write your songs. You’re not offending anyone.”

I smile up at him and think to get up and shower, but before I can make the decision to do so, more lyrics fill my head. Trevor takes the bags he returned with and leaves me to it. Soon, I’m humming to myself, lost all over again.

It isn’t until the house fills with the aroma of something delicious and… cupcakes? At that, I pop my head up and place my guitar down to investigate. Now, Trevor Monroe can cook, but he’s a terrible baker.

The man just doesn’t have the patience for it. If I’m not by his side as we bake those cupcakes, they come out horrible. So when I find him in the kitchen with dirty mixing bowls in the sink as he stares nervously at the oven, I burst into laughter.

“What are you up to, honey?”

He turns to look at me. His cheeks turn red and he gets this sheepish look on his face. It’s so adorable and endearing.

“I’m making dinner and thought I’d make us some of our cupcakes,” he replies.

“You know, staring at the oven isn’t going to bake them any faster,” I tease.

“I was thinking, is all,” he says.