
“You know,my legs are a lot shorter than yours. You don’t have to walk so fast,” I tease.

“I’m not walking that fast,” he says, looking down at me incredulously.

“Yes, you are. I’m skipping to keep up.”

“It’s not my fault you didn’t take after your daddy. Come on now. Move those pretty little feet.”

“Oh, hush up, you giant. Always picking on us little people.”

He reaches to pinch my butt. I look at him with my mouth hanging open and then I attack. He bursts into laughter and runs ahead to dodge my assault. I jump onto his back and bite his ear.

He laughs harder. “What are you doing, you little munchkin?”

“I’m riding a cowboy,” I say with a grin as he reaches for my legs to hold me in place so I don’t fall.

He snorts. “Save that talk for later.”

I poke him in the neck. He chuckles and squeezes my thighs. I forgot how much I love taunting Trevor.

It’s that moment just before he notices I’m goading him when his nostrils flare and that temper rises, giving me a glimpse of the Trevor I know best. Then he melts and his angerturns to annoyance because it’s me and he knows I’m just trying to make him mad.

I love knowing Trevor would never hurt me. Most times, he’s looking out for me and mad that I’m doing something he thinks has the potential to be dangerous. It dawned on me this morning that Trev and Pook are the reasons I take risks.

For as long as I can remember, if I jump, they’ve been there to catch me. All our fights have stemmed from me testing the waters. I know it’s immature, but I’m reluctant to let go of that bond between us, especially now with Pook gone.

“It’s so beautiful here,” I breathe as Trevor returns me to my feet and takes my hand in his, causing me to come out of my thoughts.

Trev rented a villa here in Verona for us to stay in for the time we’ll spend here. Then, we’re headed to Puglia for the rest of the week before flying back to meet up with the others to return home.

I have no idea what we’re doing today. I’m excited no matter what it is. From Brooke’s journal, I know this place is considered the home of Romeo and Juliet.

“But the smell,” Trev grumbles. “I feel like I’m back on the ranch.”

“I know, right?”

I wrinkle my nose. Not that either of us are strangers to the scent of manure and livestock. However, being away from the ranch for so long seems to make the stench so much more potent.

My face hurts from smiling as we walk the quaint little streets. My heart lurches when Trevor turns us into a little pass-through. It dawns on me right away where he’s taken me.

“Juliet’s balcony? Are you serious? This is so cool and romantic. Pook would have loved this so much. I have to go up. Can I go up?”

“We can do whatever you want, darlin’.”

“You stay down here. I’m going up,” I say excitedly.

“Hold on,” Trev says before I can take off. He digs in his pocket and pulls out money to hand to me. “I believe there’s a fee.”

I drop my hip and tilt my head to the side, pulling a face. Still, I know this is Trevor and he’s going to make sure to take care of everything I want and need while we’re here.

I don’t bother to protest. I just reach for the money and race inside. It’s not that crowded, thank goodness. I stop and take a moment to absorb it all.

I try to take it all in the way my sister would, with an open heart, soaking up the romance of the background and the setting. Then I head for the stairs to head up. I purchase my ticket and rush for the balcony as a few other people come back inside.

When I step outside, Trevor is down below looking up at me with a brilliant smile on his face. I think I’m falling in love with him all over again as he seems to look up at me as if seeing me for the very first time.

His blue eyes sparkle back at me while he has a face-splitting smile on his lips. In this moment, I feel like I’m looking at my future. His gaze holds all my dreams within it.