“They just have this light about them, don’t they?” I muse.

“That they do. It’s how I know she’s going to go far.”

“Hey, you guys calling it quits?” Cody says as he jogs over.

“Just taking a water break. It’s hot,” I reply.

“Cool, cool. You guys coming out tonight? I’m treating a few rounds since I have to head back in the morning.”

I turn to look Cody in the eyes. It’s not that I don’t like him. We’ve been cordial over the years. I just can’t stand him sniffing around Lynn.

He’s a year younger than I am, but he’s always run with our circle. His surly-ass daddy only speaks to my daddy when he needs something. Which I’m sure is more often than he would like.

“You’re leaving?” I ask.

“Yeah, I have to head back to New York. One of my professors pulled some strings to get me a job. It’s going to look great on my grad school app. I can’t turn it down.”

“That’s great and it sucks at the same time,” Tom says.

“Tell me about it. School is already kicking my ass. I need a break, but if you turn down one opportunity, you risk not getting another in that circle. I’m going to suck it up and take the job.”

I remain silent. I forgot Cody moved to New York to go to college. Jealousy burns in my belly as I think of him being in the same state as Lynn while I’m forced to wait a year to tell her daddy I’m her man.

Once again, her plan leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. It’s wrong. It goes against every fiber of my being.

It ain’t right, but I take a breath and calm my temper because it’s what Lynn needs me to do. It’s the right thing for her. I will always do what’s right for her.

Tom pats me on the back. “We’ll be there.”

I look at him and roll my eyes. I have plans with Lynn tonight. I want to head back to our room right after her surprise.

I’m still semihard from thinking about our lovemaking in the shower this morning. When I opened my eyes and saw her, I had to have her. I don’t even think she noticed me putting that condom on while she brushed her teeth.

I did it so fast, impatiently waiting as she rinsed her mouth out and splashed water on her face. Once I was inside her, it was like returning home. The feel of her soft skin beneath my palms, her cries of passion in my ear.

I wanted to spend hours buried inside her. The more I have of her, the more I want. However, the more time we spend with the others, the more stories she will have that involve more than me since we’re not going to share with her daddy what we are.

“Yeah, we’ll be there,” I mumble.

I’ll wait until after the bar to give her the surprise. That way will be more romantic. Not to mention, we can head back to our room right after.

“Cool, anyone else starving? I don’t know if it’s this heat or the energy we’re using up. I could eat a horse,” Cody says.

“Yeah, I was just about to say something,” Tom says.

“Food would be great. I burned that sandwich off an hour ago,” I add.

We all head for the girls. I don’t believe we left much behind. We’re going to need to make a food run. I open the little cooler our lunch was stored in.

Just as I thought, there’s nothing left. I move to sit behind Lynn and kiss the side of her neck. She pulls into herself shyly, only making me tighten my hold to keep her closer to me.

She looks up at me, causing me to dip my head and take her lips. Her mouth is sweet. I deepen the kiss, wanting to taste more of her.

“You ready to get something more to eat? We’re hungry and going for something else.”

“You guys are like bottomless pits. That was only an hour ago.”

“What can I say? We’re grown, growing men.”