“Yeah, I could eat. You want to get some fast food and head back or go somewhere for local eats?”

“That’s up to you, darlin’. Either way, I’m having you for dessert,” I croon against her temple.

“Um, maybe I should make you wait. Take me to a restaurant, love. I want to feel your anticipation.”

I laugh. “Careful, darlin’. I’m not sure you can handle what you’re asking for.”

“We’re going to see, aren’t we?”

I toss my head back and laugh as I give her a gentle squeeze. Yeah, we’re definitely going to see. She’ll be crying out for mercy before the night ends.


Why on earthdid I challenge this man? Phew. Trevor Monroe is one passionate man.

I feel like last night was just a prelude to the real thing. As if he took his time and was easy on me because he knew it was my first time.

Tonight, good Lord, tonight was totally different. It started with him pinning me to the door outside my hotel suite with his hips as he kissed my neck. I struggled to get us into the room.

Once inside, he dropped my bags at our feet and spun me to take my lips. One minute, we were kissing by the door. The next, I was wrapped around his waist as he devoured my mouth and palmed my breasts.

Trevor had his way with me all over this hotel room. Now I’m lying in bed beside him, feeling like he’s still inside me, wishing he were. I can’t stop smiling as I snuggle into his side.

“You were right,” I murmur.

“About what?” he asks as he reaches for my leg and pulls it across his body to massage my skin.

“I wasn’t ready for any of that. It was amazing, but I wasn’t ready.”

He releases a laugh. “How are you feeling?”

“Like I rode a bull. I think I’m going home with the purse though. It was a prize bull and I stayed on way longer than anyone expected,” I tease.

He really laughs this time. “I’m happy I could help you get your points. You can come ride this cowboy anytime you like.”

I groan. “Don’t say things like that. My hoo-ha doesn’t have any good sense. She wants to go for another round, but I know that’s insanity.”

“You could ride my face instead. I wouldn’t want your hoo-ha to feel neglected.”

I shift my body on top of his and look down at his handsome face. He reaches to run his thumb across my lips. I smile back at him.

“You haven’t neglected me yet. How about a snack? Some ice cream, we can have them bring some up.”

He reaches for his watch on the nightstand. “Ah, shit, you haven’t called to check in. I’ll run that bath, but you should call home.”

“Way to kill the vibe, cowboy.”

“I’d rather kill the vibe than have your daddy kill me.”

I roll my eyes, then roll off him. I know he’s right. If I don’t call, my parents will worry. Since the group has plans tomorrow, I shouldn’t put this off.

Trev heads into the bathroom. I grab my phone to call home. I’m humming a new tone as the phone rings.

Pushing a hand through my braids, I’m so glad my parents can’t see me. I grab the sheet and tug it around my body. Finally, the line is picked up.

My father’s voice comes through the line. “Hey, Babycakes. That you?”

“Hey, Daddy. How are you?”