She gives me the brightest, prettiest little smile and I swear I fall in love all over again. I’d do anything to keep that smile on her face forever. For her, I’ll be the best man I can be.


Dream Home


“All right, all right,”Lynn laughs as we hold hands while I carry her bags while we walk the Champs-Élysées. “If you must know, my dream home would have a big old porch. Oh, it has to have a porch swing, maybe two, one on each end of the porch.”

“You can only sit on one at a time.” I laugh.

“Yeah, but you said we’re having a bunch of kids. They’ll fight over who gets to sit where if we only have one. This way, the little ones can sit with us while the others sit together in the other.”

My heart swells as I begin to envision our little family and our home. I’ll build her a huge master closet. She’s done some damage today. I want to spoil her like this all the time. She’ll need the room for the lifestyle I plan to build for her.

“Sounds good. So, a porch. Come on, what else?”

“Three stories. I’m not a fan of the ranch style. I want our home to feel grand but still welcoming. Someplace for me andmy music and a room for you and your crafts. You still build those planes?”

“I haven’t in a while. Haven’t had the space or the time.”

“Well, you need a workshop to build planes for our sons and dollhouses for our daughters,” she sings up at me.

“Yes, ma’am. Anything else?”

“Um, well.”

“Go on, spit it out,” I croon and lean over to kiss her forehead.

“Well, I might already have our land. You know Daddy gave me the acres on the lake. I’ve always seen my home right next to the lake placed just so.”

“That’s a great idea.”

Somehow, I know what I see in my head is just what she means. “We can have big windows in the master bedroom that look out on the lake.”

She gasps and looks up at me. “Exactly.”

I dip my head to kiss her nose. “Your wish is my command. I can’t wait to get it started.”

“Trev, we still have a long way to go.”

“Will we have stables?” I ask, ignoring her words.

I’m a determined man. She will have her house. I can already see one of our kids bringing out a pitcher of lemonade for the rest of the family. While Lynn is strumming her guitar, I’ll toss a ball with the others.

We can fish in the lake and have races in front of that big old porch. My girls will have their mama’s big old smile as they stand with their prom dates for pictures as their mama fusses over their hair and dresses. I’ll help my boys with their ties after spending the day with them getting fresh haircuts and, if they’re anything like me, a shave.

“What are you thinking about? What has that handsome smile on your face?”

“You. It’s always about you.”

“Aren’t you sweet.”

I lean to press my lips near her ear. “Not as sweet as you,” I growl then nip the side of her neck.

She squeals but wraps her arms around my waist. I wrap my arm around her and hold her close. It’s been a great day. My stomach growls, ready for something to eat.

“You hungry?” I ask.