She places a hand over my heart. “Whatever comes from here, that’s what Pook would have told me.”

My eyes fill with unshed tears as I know, in my heart, she’s right. My sister would have given me the same advice.

“Thank you, Elise,” I say as I lean to pull her into a hug.

Once she leaves, I sit with my thoughts for a while. Lifting the collar of the T-shirt I’m wearing, I turn my nose into it. It’s one of Trevor’s that he left here.

It still smells of him. After our fight, when I got back to the room, the first thing I did was change into it. I needed the comfort. If I’m honest with myself, I’m scared, not of what happened last night, but of what will happen if I keep falling for Trevor.

Seeing how hard he’s willing to fight for me, I can’t help but think about how things are going to go with my daddy. I mean, Daddy and Vernon have been friends all their lives. And still, Daddy had been reluctant to allow Brooke and Cliff to date.

Mr. Monroe’s own nephew. Heck, Daddy and Travis Monroe, Cliff’s father and Vernon’s younger brother, are just as friendly and have known each other just as long. Things back home are bound to get intense.

Maybe the timing isn’t right. If I pull away now, we can avoid all the drama and we can go back to being friends. That way, he won’t be all possessive over me.

“Phew, child. The lies you tell,” I mutter to myself.

Trevor isn’t going to change. The real thing that’s causing me fear, above all else, is the fact that I want things I’m probably not ready for. And I feel the time coming. You can want something and fear it at the same time.

Suddenly, I hear my sister’s voice in my head. The last thing she said to me before shooing me off to go with Trevor to the cabin.

Don’t be nervous, Cakes. It’s Trev. He’s always gonna put you first. Relax and allow him to take the lead. Just enjoy the time.

As her words fill me, I know what I need to do. I need to find Trev so we can talk this out. I miss him.


“This…this is your plan to make up with her?” Tom says incredulously.

“Sure is. It’s going to work too. It has to.”

“If you say so. After visiting ninety-nine places—in the rain—that said no, this better work.”

He’s exaggerating. We’d been to five shops before I got the answer I was looking for. Although it did seem like way more. I was willing to try a hundred more if I had to.

“It will. Now, if this rain would stop so we can get back,” I mutter as I look out at the rain coming down in sheets.

We only need to make it back to the hotel without getting drenched. I know when I get to Lynn, I can fix this. This has to work.

I slept like shit last night. Not having her in my arms, my busted hand, and the thought that I might have hurt her feelings with my words—all of it kept me up last night. I have to make this right.

A smile comes to my face as I think of her reaction to my gift. I can’t wait to see the look on her face. Suddenly, doubt creeps in and settles in my belly like a lump of coal.

I shake it off as fast as it comes. This has to work. I’m not sleeping another night without her, not over those assholes and that stupid bar fight.

“Let’s go,” I say to Tom as the rain slows.

I grab my box and nod at the cashier. I’m grateful they were able to accommodate me. I’d hate to think of the disaster this could have turned out to be if I were left to my own devices.

“If you weren’t my best friend,” Tom mutters as we race from the shop.

“Then you wouldn’t have any friends,” I taunt.

“Neither would you, neither would you.”

I grin and shake my head. For all his griping, he wants me to fix this mess as much as I do. I found him pacing this morning and the first words out of his mouth were to ask what I planned to do.

I plan to get my girl back. That’s what I plan to do. It doesn’t feel right without her by my side. I don’t feel like I’m breathing.